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Repeat infections and generally not infections, I would lean toward there being an issue with the jewellery used in the piercing. If you are following a daily aftercare routine then you should have no issues with your piercing, so it only leave the jewellery as a possible cause for the problems. Go have a chat with your professional body piercer and see what he/she comes up with.

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Q: Ways of keeping your smiley piercing from getting infected?
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Ways to accidentally tear off your smiley piercing?

To accidentally tear off your smiley piercing get an injury that will scratch the area of your smiley piercing.

I was told that getting a smiley piercing is not worth the pain plus it would likely be torn off by kissing etc which I think is stupidI dont understand how if its on the inside of your lip?

It can be torn off while kissing. It is very easy to do if the others person teeth pulls on the piercing. Kissing is also advised against for people with a smiley piercing because of harmful bacteria that could infect the piercing.

How long does it take for a Smiley piercing to heal up?

How long it takes a smiley piercing, or any piercing to heal up will depend greatly on the care given. Making sure to keep the piercing clean can help it to heal as quickly as possible.

What is a smiley piercing?

A Smiley Piercing is a piercing done generally with a circular barbell, captive bead ring or a bent barbell in the frenial web above the front teeth, between the top lip and gums.

Can you die from getting your smiley pierced?

No, there is nothing there to hit that is dangerous, and even if the piercing were to rip out, the skin is so shallow that it would barely bleed.

How much does an anti-smiley piercing hurt?

It doesnt

Where can you get a smiley piercing in nyc if you are under 18?


Why do they call it a smiley piercing?

because when you smile it shows, it's a piercing through the skin on your inner lip

How correctly look after a smiley piercing?

Just brush your teeth as normal and use a good mouth wash and that's it. The previous answer was deleted because it was out and out dangerous and stupid.

Does jade puget piercing?

He had a smiley piercing. That's the flap of skin that holds your upper lip and your gums together.

What size gauge should you use for a smiley piercing?

Well that would be either 18g or 16g, but your professional body piercer will need to make sure the diameter is correct, which he/she will do when they lay out your piercing. This is not a DIY piercing, be aware serious dental and gun damage as well as infection and migration should be considered before getting the piercing done.

How do you do a smiley piercing?

they put these clampers and pinch it then stick a niddle thur and that's it oh and puts in the smiley ring thing lol