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All Christians believe that he was the Messiah and St. John the Baptist was the last prophet.

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Q: Was Jesus the last prophet
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Who is the last prophet priest and king?

The Lord Jesus Christ.

What did Muhammad said that he was?

He is the Prophet of god, just like Abraham and Jesus. Muslims believe he was the last Prophet

Do Musims believe that Jesus was their last prophet?

Yes, Muhammad is considered the 'seal of the prophets' of the god of Abraham (who is referred to in Arabic as "Allah"). However, Islam recognizes all of the prophets of Jewish and Christian traditions- including everyone from Adam, David, Noah, Moses, and Jesus.

Who was the last prophet in the Christian bible?

It was supposed to be Jesus. But the Dinosaurs took over.

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Jesus Prophet (Isa Alahis salaam) is mentioned as bin Maryam.

Compare Islam and Jeudaism?

jeudest are the ancestors of Christians they not believe in Jesus and prophet muhammed . Muslims believe that muhammed is the last prophet and Jesus is only a prophet before prophet muhammed which god created to show that he can create what ever he wish ..with out a sources...

Is isa the prophet Jesus?

Yes, Prophet Isa in Arabic is Prophet Jesus.

Was Jesus the first prophet?

No Jesus was not a prophet, he was the son of god.

Is Islam found before Judaism and Christianity?

No as the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was the last prophet, therefore, all the other prophets: Moses (Musa), Jesus (Isa) peace be upon them came before the last prophet.

Are there other messiahs beside Jesus?

Prophet Muhammad (Ahmed) Peace be upon him, is the last and final Messenger from Almighty, check your Bible its says that a person by name Ahmed will come as last and final messenger follow him; said by Prophet Jesus peace be upon him.

Who was the last prophet of the bible?

The last prophet in the Bible is traditionally considered to be John the Apostle, who authored the Book of Revelation. He is also known as John of Patmos and is believed to have been exiled to the island of Patmos when he received the visions that are recorded in the Book of Revelation.

How does Jesus still serve as your prophet today?

First of al Jesus is not a prophet.