

Best Answer

Amelia Earhart was married to George Putnam

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Is Amelia Earheart's first plane Beech-nut?

No it is not

Are Amelia earheart's parents still alive?

Amelia Earhart was born in 1897, so the answer is no.

What did Amelia eahart do to change?

Amelia Earheart was the first woman to fly over the U.S.A

What is Amelia Earheart's planes name?

Lockheed Model 10 Electra

What was so special about June 1 1937 about Amelia Earhart?

Amelia Earheart met some guy and they married but noone knows that and they broke up and stuff.

Related questions

What language did Amelia Earhart?

Amelia Earheart was american... Amelia Earheart was american...

Is Amelia Earheart related to The real Amelia Earheart?

Every person is 'real', and your question is unclear. Please try again .

How do you spell Amelia Earheart?

Amelia Earhart is how you spell her name

Did Amelia earheart die?


What did Amelia earheart want to do?

Be a pilot

Who was Amelia Earhart profession?

Amelia Earheart was a female pilot in the fortys

Did Amelia Earhart finish college?

Amelia Earheart did finish college

Who was the female pilot?

probabaly Amelia earheart

Where is Amelia Earheart from?

Amelia was born and spent her younger years in Atchison, Kansas.

Was Amelia get married?

Yes, amelia earheart did marry. I believe to George Putnam.

Who influenced Amelia earheart?

HER DADDY INfluenced her to fly!

Did Amelia earheart have a husband?

caca popo shire