Rift Zone
It can generate raised landmasses such as mountains because of the plates moving over and under each other.
False. When plates give way in this manner the result is an earthquake. Volcanoes are produced by different but related processes.
Earthquakes occur from tectonic plate movement, transform, divergent and convergent.KIDS ANSWER:Earthquakes happen by the plates of the world moving,these plates can move in three different ways. Transform which is when the simply slide past each other. There is also divergent and convergent divergent is when the plates don't like each other so they move away from each other, and convergent which is were the plates are mad at each other so they have a fight and go into each other.hope this helps!!!!!!!!!!from a year five school girl
Transverse - Plates move side by side Convergent - Plates move towards each other, usually one gets subducted. Divergent - Plates move away from each other.
Yes, but no with each other. They can meet other plates.
The Pacific Plate and Antarctic Plate are moving past each other. They are both part of the larger tectonic plate system and their movement contributes to the overall dynamics of plate tectonics.
This is a divergent plate boundary.
The Plates are Divergent.
all volcanoes are caused by the earths plates moving toward each other and that is called convergent boundaries.
Tectonic Plates moving away from each other.
This is called a divergent plate boundary.
When two plates move away from each other it is called a divergent plate boundary because they are dividing.
divergent boundary
Is they are moving away from each other it is a divargent boundryif they are moving towards each other it is a convergent bounderyIf they are sliding pass each other its a transormation boundery
divergent plate
This is called a convergent boundary. A divergent boundary is when plate move away from each other, and a transform boundary is when plates slide past each other.