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its about having a dream is special thank you for your time

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Q: Two examples of refrain in Martin Luther Kings speech you have a dream?
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What is Martin Luther famous for?

He is famous for his "I Have a Dream" speech and it's pronunced Martin Luther King Jr. not Luther Martin.

Is martin Luther king's speech i have a dream inductive or deductive reasoning?

It is both inductive and deductive. There are examples of both in his speech.

Where did Martin Luther King Jr. give his speech at?

martin Luther king gave his speech in Birmingham Alabama

What day was it when he gave you have a dream speech?

The "I have a Dream" speech by Martin Luther King was delivered on Wednesday the 28th of August 1963.The "I have a Dream" speech by Martin Luther King was delivered on Wednesday the 28th of August 1963.The "I have a Dream" speech by Martin Luther King was delivered on Wednesday the 28th of August 1963.The "I have a Dream" speech by Martin Luther King was delivered on Wednesday the 28th of August 1963.The "I have a Dream" speech by Martin Luther King was delivered on Wednesday the 28th of August 1963.The "I have a Dream" speech by Martin Luther King was delivered on Wednesday the 28th of August 1963.The "I have a Dream" speech by Martin Luther King was delivered on Wednesday the 28th of August 1963.The "I have a Dream" speech by Martin Luther King was delivered on Wednesday the 28th of August 1963.The "I have a Dream" speech by Martin Luther King was delivered on Wednesday the 28th of August 1963.The "I have a Dream" speech by Martin Luther King was delivered on Wednesday the 28th of August 1963.The "I have a Dream" speech by Martin Luther King was delivered on Wednesday the 28th of August 1963.

What was the name of Martin Luther Jr's speech given on Aug 28 1963?

martin Luther Jr`s speech

What speech did Martin Luther make?

The "I Had A Dream" speech

What is Martin Luther king important speech at the Lincoln memorial in Washington Dc?

Martin Luther's "I had a dream speech" is the one you are referring to.

Who gave the "I have a dream" speech?

Martin Luther KIng Jr

What are examples of Assonance in Martin Luther King's speech I Have a Dream?

Examples of assonance in Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech include: "Five score years ago" (repetition of the long "o" sound) "In the struggle" (repetition of the short "u" sound) "Not be judged by the color of their skin" (repetition of the short "i" sound)

What was the famous speech martin Luther king gave in Washington dc?

what was the famous speech that Martin Luther King gave in Wahington,DC

How does Martin Luther King 'I have a dream speech' make you feel?

Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech makes me feel empowered and hopeful.

Did Martin Luther King or Martin Luther King Jr make the famous speech?

Martin Luther King Jr. made the big speech to end segregation and racial acts. His father was not famous. When people refer to Martin Luther King, they're usually referring to Martin Luther King Jr.