Well, honey, what you got there is some fancy talk for saying there's some mild shrinkage going on in the ol' brain. Those ventricles, fissures, and sulci are just spaces and grooves that are a bit more noticeable due to the brain losing a little volume. It's nothing to lose sleep over, just a natural part of aging for some folks.
loss of neurons
It's a sign of (severe) cerebral atrophy. It's being seen on CT or/and MRI scans of the brain. Generalized sulcal prominence diffusely is consistent with diffuse brain atrophy.
Myocardial atrophy is a condition where the heart chambers decrease in size. The heart muscle atrophy or shrink because of cancer or other similar conditions.
Certain modern CT scan techniques may show if you have a tendency or likelihood of Alzheimer's. Alzheimer's doesn't appear as a concrete thing but certain distance measurements from the brain ventricles to the mid line of the brain can be plotted by specialist doctors in a special table to determine the likelihood of Alzheimer's. The degree of atrophy of the brain can also indicate problems with senility.
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loss of neurons
It's a sign of (severe) cerebral atrophy. It's being seen on CT or/and MRI scans of the brain. Generalized sulcal prominence diffusely is consistent with diffuse brain atrophy.
Hydrocephalus ex vacuole means an enlargement of brain ventricles due to brain atrophy, e.g in Alzheimer disease.
Hydrocephalus ex vacuole means an enlargement of brain ventricles due to brain atrophy, e.g in Alzheimer disease.
Periventricular atrophy is a condition characterized by the shrinking or loss of brain tissue around the ventricles, which are fluid-filled spaces in the brain. It is often seen in conditions such as normal aging, vascular dementia, and multiple sclerosis. Symptoms can include cognitive decline, walking difficulties, and mood changes.
The prominence of the frontal sulci refers to the visible or distinguishable depth and definition of the grooves or furrows on the frontal lobes of the brain. Changes in the prominence of these sulci can sometimes indicate brain atrophy, aging, or certain neurological conditions. Evaluation of the frontal sulci can be part of a neuroimaging assessment to help detect abnormalities in the brain structure.
Prominent sulci and gyri indicate increased folding and convolution of the brain, which can be normal in young individuals with healthy brain development. However, if prominent sulci are present along with both Sylvian fissures being prominent, it may suggest brain atrophy or a medical condition affecting the brain's structure. Further evaluation by a healthcare professional may be needed to determine the underlying cause.
She has a muscular atrophy.
There are no perfect rhymes for the word atrophy.
atrophy of the pancreas
Diffuse global atrophy, or diffuse brain atrophy, is when the brain shrinks in size. It's more severe than the atrophy that occurs normally with aging.
Atrophy is the deterioration of muscle. An example of atrophy in a sentence would be "Due to Samantha's leg injury, and her inability to bear weight, the physical therapist noticed signs of atrophy."