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The Nazi invasion of Poland.

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Q: The speech below was made in response to what events?
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The speech below was made in response to which of the following events Until four-thirty this morning I had hoped against hope that some miracle would prevent a devastating war in Europe... For four long years a-Franklin D. Roosevelt, September 3, 1939?

The Nazi invasion of Poland :)

What were the events that made martin Luther king jr famous?

i think i had a dream speech

What made history in 1959?

This question is too general to answer, but all the events in 1959 are available for you to examine for yourself in the link I will place below.

A speech is made by a character who is alone on stage?

A speech made by one about a specific topic is a monologue. A soliloquy is a dramatic speech made on stage.

What is the protein made in a response to a specific antigen called?

An antigen is a protein made in response to a specific antigen.

When did martin Luther king make his you have a dream speech?

august 28,1963 he made his famous speech

A speech made for the first time?

Its called a Maiden Speech

Was Martin Luther King Jr. shot after he made his speech?

No, he was shot before he made his speech, stupid.

What was the speech made at rice university about made by John F. Kennedy?

JFK made a speech about landing a man on the moon at Rice

What are substances made in response to a specific antigen?

Giant turtles are what are made in response to a specific antigen. Hope I Helped!

What is the specific protein made in response to a particular antigen?

The specific protein made in response to a particular antigen is called an antibody.

What is the brindis speech?

brindis speech is the speech made by Dr. Jose Rizal, the National Hero of the Filipinos.