Washer, warmer, wafer, waffle, waffle iron, wages, wagon, waiter, waitress, wedding ring, wedding, waste, water, water bottle, waves, women, woman, waif, wristwatch, wallet, watch, wax, widow, window, wife, wives, wick, willow, winner, windshield, wench, windshield wiper, wires, warren, wringer, whorl, wart, wort, wool.
(I didn't have time to put them in order).
13-letter words that start with W include: wheelbarrowed, whitewashings...
Some verbs that start with the letter W are:waddlewadewakeWalkwanderwantwashwastewatchwearweaveweldwendwhetwhilewhinewhipwhistlewhitenwigglewindwinkwigglewishwitherwobblewonderworkwreakwreckwrestwringwrite, wrote
Tangible objects that start with the letter j:jacketjeansjerseyjewelryjackknifejavelinjawbonejellybeanjug
There are no countries that start with the letter "W"
There are 4 counties that start with the letter W in Ireland.WaterfordWestmeathWexfordWicklow
Watercress is a vegetable. It begins with the letter w.
Ukulele and unicycle are objects. They begin with the letter u.
A whoopee cushion lol
Igloo, iguana
Objects that start with the letter "O" include orange, olive, ocean, octopus and owl. Other objects include oatmeal, oboe and octagon.
Type your answer here... Artist with the letter W at the beginning