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The problem can be that the battery terminals are not tight enough or that the battery cables are worn out. A starter needs really tight contact to the battery in order to supply enough current to the solenoid and starter -- merely touching the terminals won't be enough.

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That means the battery does not have enough power, or the terminal connections are dirty or loose. Try removing and cleaning them, also put a good volt meter over the battery, leads directly to the posts. It should read at least 11.8.

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The brushes on the starter may be bad or the contact on the end of the solenoid. Also check your ground cables for corrosion and damage.

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Q: New starter and solenoid and the solenoid just clicks?
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When starting car what if it just clicks?

That means the solenoid IS working, but power is too low to turn the starter. Check and if necessary clean or tighten the battery terminals. If still the same, charge your battery on slow for at least 12 hours, or get another battery.