The problem can be that the battery terminals are not tight enough or that the battery cables are worn out. A starter needs really tight contact to the battery in order to supply enough current to the solenoid and starter -- merely touching the terminals won't be enough.
The starter is located just behind the top end of the engine. I have a '99 king quad. Mine solenoid clicks too. I thought it was a loose wire because sometimes it would turn over but I took it in and was told i need a new stARter. they run about $75.
That means the solenoid IS working, but power is too low to turn the starter. Check and if necessary clean or tighten the battery terminals. If still the same, charge your battery on slow for at least 12 hours, or get another battery.
as a ford technition your prob is prob. the triger wire, which is the wire from the stater sol to the starter (small wire) which has a slide on connection on the starter, remove wire and clean the corrison and reinstall and it will be fine
Yes, it is built on the starter.
Easy one , you have a bad starter. The brushes need to be replaced if your handy enough to rebuild it yourself or have a friend that can, or just replace the whole starter for way more money.
The starter is located just behind the top end of the engine. I have a '99 king quad. Mine solenoid clicks too. I thought it was a loose wire because sometimes it would turn over but I took it in and was told i need a new stARter. they run about $75.
Make sure battery cable are tight Sounds like starter solenoid switch is going bad
The problem is not in the starter. Check the starter solenoid/relay switch or look for a loose battery cable connection.
Have the starter tested at your auto parts store. Sounds like a bad solenoid or bad starter.
Your problem is the starter solenoid. It may be a remote solenoid mounted on the inner fender well. You can easily check it by running a battery booster cable from the positive battery post to the starter side of the solenoid wiring (the heavy wiring). If the starter operates, the solenoid is bad.
Starter solenoid? Battery not fully charged?
why wont my jet ski start, i put new starter an solenoid in an it still only clicks
The starter is bad or the engine is locked up. Make sure the starter getting power then turn the engine by hand.
The starter solenoid is attached to the starter. When you replace the starter, you'll get a new solenoid.
Starter solenoid sticking. Replace the solenoid if it is external. If it is internal, then just replace thee starter. It will cost a little more but you will have a new starter and solenoid.
bad connection or starter solenoid
That means the solenoid IS working, but power is too low to turn the starter. Check and if necessary clean or tighten the battery terminals. If still the same, charge your battery on slow for at least 12 hours, or get another battery.