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they are under a panel by the fuel rails. they are very hard to get to.

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Q: Looking for the spark plugs on a 99 Lincoln Navigator?
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How many spark plugs on a 2003 Lincoln navigator?

8 spark plugs

How do you find and install spark plugs on a 2004 Lincoln Navigator?

Locate and install spark plugs for 2004 navigator

Can you have a diagram of your spark plugs in a 2001 lincoln navigator?

The 2001 Lincoln Navigator spark plug diagram can be obtained from most Lincoln dealerships. The spark plug diagram can also be obtained from most auto-parts stores.

Where are the spark plugs for 2002 Lincoln Navigator located?

Where are the spark plug for 02 lincoln navigator located #1#2#3 ====================================================== On a Lincoln Navigator : firewall 4 - 8 3 - 7 2 - 6 1 - 5 front of vehicle

How do they charge to change spark plugs on a Lincoln navigator?

The spark plugs are located beneath the individual ingnition coils. Remove each coil then remove spark plug as normal

What causes misfiring in the 2003 Lincoln Navigator?

The Ignition Coil is the one that cause misfire or Spark Plugs

Remove spark plugs on a 2003 Lincoln Navigator?

The coils are bolted to the side of the engine, The spark plugs are under the coils, NO PLUG WIRES. unbolt the coils and use A spark plug socket.

What type of spark plugs do the 2003 Lincoln Navigator use?

Check the Vehicle Emission Control Information ( VECI ) decal located in the front of the engine compartment ( it will show the type of spark plugs to use and the spark plug gap )

Where are the spark plugs located on a 2001 Lincoln navigator?

In the left rear tire, only visible while vehicle is moving in reverse

How do you reach the last 4 spark plugs on a 1998 Lincoln Navigator?

I am having the same problem, and would also like to find out.

Which side will you find spark plugs 4 in mmy 2001 navigator?

firewall 4 - 8 3 - 7 2 - 6 1 - 5 front of Lincoln Navigator

Where are the spark plugs located on 1999 Lincoln Navigator?

The spark plugs are underneath the ( 8 ) individual coils on the Coil On Plug ( C.O.P. ) ignition system firewall 4 - 8 3 - 7 2 - 6 1 - 5 front