Kilz 2 will work under wallpaper as a primer and sealer over new drywall, drywall repairs, or other surfaces. If you are using it as a sizing for your wallpaper, it will work, but is not as good as using a real wallpaper sizing.
Put a fan in the room for about 2 days.
Yes, but be sure the kilz is completely dry before applying the paint. The Kilz formula is such that it has no effect on the application of water borne paint, when it is completely dry.
Kilz Original does have a characteristic smell for about 1-2 days after applying it. You are referring to the oil based version of Kilz, which is the best KILZ primer to use for stains, smells, and applying over old surfaces. I had to remodel my entire kitchen last year after a 25 year old Kitchen Aid dishwasher malfunctioned and burned up and spread water and soaked my entire kitchen. I had to deal with the insurance company for over ten months with just wanting to remediate the problem. I won my appeal with them and ripped our the entire old kitchen down to the floorboard. I treated the floorboards with 2 coats of KILZ and then ripped out the wallboard, kilzed the exposed area, put in new insulation, added green board back in and Kilzed that before texturing and painting it. KILZ is an amazing product. You do have to put up with the smell and I would use a fan and let the area get a good airing out. I find that when it has cured and I have applied new paint over it, I get the NEW smell and I know that my walls and floor boards are protected. An added note on putting KILZ on floorboards is that, in my opinion, it seals the floor from smells and also goes into cracks and exposed areas causing it to seal. Also, I like to say that it "tames" the floorboard because the oil based properties of this paint cause the wood to seal down and not splinter. Also, it insure that whatever you put over it is going to be sealed properly. In my house, I kilzed the kitchem dining room, and hallways before adding hardibacker and putting in travertine flooring. Also, I kilzed my sons room and the living room before putting in bamboo flooring. Recently, I had to rebuild the laundry room and after finding a rats nest in the wall, made sure to Kilz the area thoroughly with multiple coats after using a shop vac to get all the nasties out. I also replaced the wall board with GREEN BOARD and KILZED it thoroughly before texturing the wall. The new wallboard sucks up a lot of the KILZ and you will go through a few gallons but the lasting benefits of knowing that wallboard is sealed gives a lasting peace of mind. I also believe that new insulation will last longer if the area where it is going to be placed is protected with a coat or two of KILZ. Remember, KILZ seals so that means that nothing is going to get in and oxidize the insulation prematurely. I hope this helps you and I also need to say that if I had a choice between the oil based Kilz primer and the water based Kilz primer, I would choose the OIL BASED every time and put up with that kersosene smell you refer to in your original question. It is just a small inconvenience to pay for years and years of protection that the oil based KILZ product insures you when you apply it to your walls, floors and all areas that need protection, sealing, and primering. Also, every contractor that has come through my house and has learned how I do things nods and affirms that I am doing it right. When the city official came to sign off on my permits he was also equally amazed at the attention to detail I took to getting the job done. I have KILZ to thank for that! -Ken Graham Napa, CA
Use Kilz 2 latex primer to seal and block a variety of stains, including crayon, pencil, ink, marker, rust, and grease. Prevents stains from bleeding through topcoat paint.
Convert all measurements to yards by dividing by 3 (3 feet per yard). Now, there are four walls, 2 walls are 8 yards long by 3 yards high and 2 walls are 6 yards by 3 yards. So the equasion will be (2 * 8 * 3)+(2 * 6 * 3)= 84. 84 yards minimum is required to wallpaper the room. If this is not just a math question and you're really papering the room, don't forget to obtain 5-10% extra wallpaper because you're going to lose some due to mistakes and waste.
Put a fan in the room for about 2 days.
Yes, but be sure the kilz is completely dry before applying the paint. The Kilz formula is such that it has no effect on the application of water borne paint, when it is completely dry.
form_title= 3D Wallpaper form_header= Add depth to your home with 3D wallpaper. How many rooms do you want to install wallpaper?*= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, More than 5} Do you need to remove old wallpaper?*= () Yes () No What are the areas of the rooms?*= _ [50]
Yes, it will but may take more than one coat.
Bob the Builder - 1999 Wallpaper Wendy 2-2 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G
form_title= Art Wallpaper form_header= Install new wallpaper in your home. What color wallpaper do you need?*= _ [50] What are the dimensions of the rooms?*= _ [50] How many rooms are you installing wallpaper?*= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, More than 5}
B/c of inflation. It was cheaper to use the money as wallpaper than to try and buy wallpaper with the money.
You can buy Black Wallpaper in Yukea or Black Swirl Wallpaper in Horrods as long as you have enough Rox and are at or above the right level. Black as Night Wallpaper: Yukea level 2 Black Swirl Wallpaper: Horrods level 6
form_title= Temporary Wallpaper form_header= Change your mind and change your style with temporary wallpaper. How many rooms will you install wallpaper?*= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, More than 5} What color wallpaper would you like?*= _ [50] What is the square footage of your home?*= _ [50] How many layers of wallpaper would you like to install? *= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, More than 5}
form_title= Bamboo Wallpaper form_header= Install bamboo wallpaper in your home. What are the dimensions of the rooms? *= _ [50] How many rooms are you installing bamboo wallpaper?*= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, More than 5} Do you need to remove old wallpaper?*= () Yes () No
form_title= Black Wallpaper form_header= Install black wallpaper in your home. How many rooms do you want to install wallpaper?*= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, More than 5} Do you need to remove old wallpaper?*= () Yes () No What are the areas of the rooms?*= _ [50]
form_title=Wallpaper Removal form_header=12113 Is there more than one layer of wallpaper to be removed?*= () Yes () No () Don't Know Have you attempted to take off the wallpaper on your own?*= () Didn't try () Stuck tight () Left some patches of paper on the wall () Started to take drywall with it () Other What are your plans for finishing the wall after the wallpaper is taken down?*= () Will texture and paint () Will need more wallpaper hung () Don't Know () Other