no its not
tobacco mosaic virus was the first virus found, but poliovirus was the first one whose presence has been recognized (in Ezypcean paint)
What can it do? MS PAINT does nothing. If you're wondering. It isn't a Virus at aLLGood luck and read Homestuck~
No, you can not use house paint to paint an oven. You must use a high temperature paint
Yes you can use paint thinner to remove the paint on the wood. 2nd Answer: No, paint thinner will not remove paint from anything. Most paint is now water-based, anyway. Paint thinner does just what the names says: It thins oil based paint if the paint is too thick for some reason.
Tux MathsMathwhizz Tux Paint Tux Kart
I am running Tux Paint on Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope. Tux paint did not ask where to save the image. I could find the saved image in ~/.tuxpaint/saved
I think you go on to the tux paint website and click merchandise and then get all the things on the page and after you receive them ,doneload it
Tux Paint software is completely free software which you can download and install right away. It is a drawing software intended for children's use to educate them.
Well Really there is o website people use Paint, Tux paint and other programs
The images you've saved in tux paint are files. On my computer I can locate them by navigating to my home directory and opening the hidden directory labeled '.tuxpaint' then opening the directory labeled 'saved'. "The directory/folder where Tux Paint saves files may be changed. This can be used to save pictures in a student's home directory on a network drive or shared drive, rather than locally on one particular workstation." -
Most Linux distributions do not include it by default, since it is targeted at children, not the majority of home or business users.
Micro Soft Paint can not have a virus, because it is not a download, install, plug-in, or a flash game. Paint is a MS program that does not need any of the the things listed.
out of all the troubles no if u search no virus or anything it is trusted
Tux Racer happened in 2000.
Tux Games was created in 2000.
MW Tux was created in 1946.