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It's hard at first, but not too bad after you've done a few. You should use a special tool that makes it easier. I started by practicing on old lawnmower engines that a store was throwing away.

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15y ago

Nope, some say those engine restore and other miracle's in a bottle will fix it, but you cant pour in any liquid that will replace missing metal from the rings, you can try running a thicker oil to slow it down but the only way to fix it is tear it all down and rebuild. BUT!!! it depends on the situation. if its a car that car been sitting for a while you can probabaly fix it with out a tear-down, if its like stuck piston rings. you will have to buy new plugs, and some Transmission Fluid. depending on what you have done to the car will determine what you have to do. if you have the camshaft off great. if not it will just take you longer or a lot more transmission fluid. what you need to do is pull your old plugs and pour trans fluid into you your cylinders. tranny fluid is a very good detergent, so you leave it sitting for a while like over night, or 3 days or so. the longer the better but 4 or 5 days should be more than enough. whats gonna happen is your tranny fluid is gonna eat up and loosen all the carbon inside the cylinders. once you have the trans fluid do ts thing, get a shop vac or something and suck of the fluid. once you have it all out pour in some denatured alcohol that will break down the trans fluid a little more and clean up a little more as well(but its not needed, just an extra step) once you thing you have most of the stuff out of it, put it all back together(use your old plugs). now make sure your in a place where its ok if your car smoke, because its gonna smoke like crazy!!!! once you see the smoke subside go ahead and put the new plugs in and hopefully your problem is gone!!!!!!

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Q: Is there an easy fix for a leaking piston ring?
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