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Osteophyte is one abnormal growth. Osteophyte complex is numerous bony growths which can affect not only more than one vertebrae (but several), and can be extremely painful when rubbing on the nearby nerves, and also causes narrowing of the neural foramina(?). You don't want an osteophyte (s) placing pressure on the thecal sac (which is where the cerebral spinal fluid is located).

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Q: Is there a difference between osteophyte and osteophyte complex?
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What is a disc osteophyte bar?

An osteophyte is a bone spur that forms usually because of damage to the surface of a joint, resulting in arthritis. A disc osteophyte occurs in the disc space between two vertebrae of the spine.

What is the difference between renaissance and baroque architecture?

Renaissance straight an simple baroque complex and overflowing.

What is a uncovertebral joint osteophyte formation?

Uncovertebral joints, which are smaller joints out to the side where the vertebra normally approximate one other so they're further out laterally.This is a reasonably complex subject and has to do with the growth of osteophites (Bone that eventually starts to put pressure and cause damage the nerves) between the discs of the vertebrae. To get more authoritative and precise information on this go to the related link (uncovertebral osteophytes) below.i had a mri it said i have a demonstrates a tiny right uncovertebral osteophyte and disk complex however without any significant exiting foreaminal stenosis what do that mean

The MRI read at the C4-5 level there is a posterior disk osteophyte ridge complex asymmetric to the right producing narrowing of the central canal on the right what does this mean?

It means that there are growths of bone or spurs interfering with the position of nerves that pass between the vertebrae causing pain tingling or loss of strength in certain parts of the body.

Is osteophyte complex related to arthritis?

Yes it is. Anosteophyte complex occurs between two adjacent vertebra when they touch. Asa result they star to wear and the and the bone in an attempt to repair the damage begins to create more bone . This then results in the formation of bony spurs that stick out.This condition can be the result of a long history of regular "wear and tear" or trauma to the joint at some time in the past. this condition is also called non inflammatory or osteoarthritis.

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Is there a difference between osteophyte and bone spur?

its the same

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What is posterior disk osteophyte complex?

Disc osteophyte complex usually occurs as a person ages. It is a spinal condition where a spinal vertebra is afflicted by osteophytes or commonly known as bone spurs. This often results in experiencing headaches, stiff neck, and weakness in the shoulders.

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The difference between complex and complicated is that 'complex' refers to many different components, whereas "complicated" refers to a high level of difficulty.

Can whiplash to the neck cause osteophyte complex and compression of the left C6 nerve?

Yes, I was T-boned (whiplash injury) and developed posterior osteophyte complex as a result. My CAT scan showed no injury after the accident at the hospital but a year later I had a MRI done because of severe neck pain and it showed osteophyte complex. The extreme force put on the disc during impact (whiplash) triggers your brain to "repair" the injured disk forming osteophytes.

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How do you find the difference between a simple compound complex and compound-complex sentences?

you are dumb cya

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The difference between a compound sentence and a complex sentence is that a compound sentence has two independent clauses, connected by a Coordinator. A complex sentence on contains one independent clause. A complex sentence also always contains a subordinator.

What causes disk - osteophyte complex?

A disk osteophyte complex occurs where the soft tissue of the inter-vertebral disk herniates or extrudes outside of the of its normal parameters along with a bone spur(s) of the vertebrae. The bone spurs are smooth structures formed over a period of time, i.e., degenerative changes as part of the aging process. Because of the delicate nature of the degenerative changes, which alone may by asymptomatic, any intervening trauma may make them symptomatic due any combination of the spur or disk protrusion. Pain and numbness may occur because of the combination of the disk and the osteophyte (or "disk osteophyte complex") impinging on the nerve root system, or structure surrounding the spinal cord.

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