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Last Supper is a passage in The Bible that describes the last meal Jesus had with his disciples before he was captured, tortured and killed. It is part of the New Testament, not the Old.

Anything that happened before Christ, is part of the Old Testament.

Anything that happened during Christ's life and beyond, is part of the New Testament.

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Yes, biblically the Passover meal, was held the evening before His crucifixion in Jerusalem.

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Q: Is the Last Supper in the old testament?
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No, the last book of the Old Testament is Malachi. Zechariah is the second to last book in the Old Testament.

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This was categorized under 'The Last Supper', so I'm going to conclude that you were referring to that. The Last Supper was not bad, however what proceeded the day after and what the Last Supper stood for is rather grotesque.The Last Supper was, in the New Testament, the Last Supper that Jesus ate with his disciples, and the one in which he gave his last words of wisdom. The proceeding day, Jesus was set to be crucified, and hence the celebration of Easter.

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Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Christ. It is not mentioned as a holiday in either book of the bible, but it is inspired by the Gospels in the New Testament. Jesus was celebrating Passover at the time of the Last Supper. Passover commemorates the Exodus from Egypt in the Old Testament.

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The gospels of the New Testament.

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How old was Jesus when he had his last supper?

He was 33 years old

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No, most likely the Last Supper was instituted in singing, praying, reading from the Old Testament, and talking. The Last Supper was an extension of the celebration of the Jewish Passover. During the Passover meal, as it is still eaten today, there was a lot of activity: solemnity, but also joy and festivity. Jesus used the last elements of the Passover to show that the bread and the wine were representations of His body and blood shed at the cross.

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In the King James version the last book in the Old Testament is Malachi

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"Malachi" is the last Book in the Bible's Old Testament a/k/a the Jewish Tanakh.

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Malachi is the last book of the Old Testament.

Is Malachi the last Old Testament prophet?

Yes Malachi is the old Testaments last prophet, it is also the last book in the Old Testament. From Brother Terrell: Actually John the Baptist is the last old testament prophet. He is mentioned in the New Testament but the New Testament wasn't really produced until Jesus accomplished the will of God on the Cross, and then through resurrection the New Testament (covenant) came to be.