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Q: Is latex paint and acrylic paint the same?
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Can 100 percent acrylic paint be used to paint over latex paint?

100% acrylic paint can definitely go over latex. Acrylic paint actually is the same thing as latex paint. Some manufacturers differentiate their products as 100% acrylic and also have a product called latex that is made of acrylic plus co binders and other additives. So while one is 100% acrylic and the other is a mixture they are both water based and considered latex.

Is it possible to mix acrylic paint with latex paint?

No, it is not recommended to mix acrylic paint with latex paint as they have different properties and may not blend well together.

Is styrene acrylic paint a latex base?

No, it's not a latex base.

What are the two main types of paint?

Acrylic and Latex

What is paint whose solvent is water?

Acrylic latex.

Which is better for ceiling paint acrylic are latex paint?

Latex paint has Acrylic in it. Some paints have more than others, it affects the drying time. Use either one, it will not affect the finish look.

Does Benjamin Moore sell acrylic latex paint in the UK?


What are the two main types of interior paint?

Acrylic and Latex

Can you paint in a gloss latex paint with a acrylic base paint gloss latex?

Yes, just ensure that the surface is clean, grease free and dulled.

How do you de-gloss latex paint?

The ingredient in glossy paint is acrylic. You cannot remove that ingredient.

Can you mix acrylic paint and satin paint?

If they are both of the same base you can. Satin paint can be an acrylic or a latex,or an oil. Check on the can cleaning instructions for base. Jason Pollock used both in his work 'Bluepoles' which hangs in the Canberra museum I think

What is latex primer?

It's primer made with a latex or acrylic base. You can use any kind of paint over this.