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Yes because head and master are two separate words on there own

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Q: Is headmaster a compound word
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What is the compound word of school head?

The compound word of "school head" is "schoolhead."

What are examples of compound nouns in sentence?

Compound nouns are either separate words (apple juice), or hyphenated words (brother-in-law), or one word (headmaster).

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Is headmaster a pronoun?

No, the word 'headmaster' is a noun, a word for a man in charge of a school; the principal; a word for a person.A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence. The pronouns that take the place of the noun headmaster is 'he' as a subject and 'him' as an object. Example:The headmaster will be holding interviews on Tuesday. He has several slots open, I can make you an appointment with him.

What is the masculine noun of the word headmaster?

The masculine is headmaster.

What is the file name to be given while saving a word doc?

It depends what your doing if you are doing a letter to a headmaster as an English work then call it Letter to headmaster or headteacher

Can you write a sentence with the word monotone?

The Headmaster addressed the assembly in a monotone voice

Is the word building a compound word?

No, building is not a compound word.

How do you spell the compound word of does not?

The contraction (not a compound word) is doesn't.

Is upward a compound word?

Upwards is a compound word.

What is the compound word in this sentence What is the compound word in this sentence?

There is no compound word.A compound word is a word like bus-stop.Husban is spelt like this husband

Is the word upstairs a compound word?

Upstairs is a compound word, so it is one word.