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No, a fever is not usually a sign of a heart attack. Common heart attack signs and symptoms are: chest pain; pain that radiates to jaw, arms, neck, or back; sweating; nausea; vomiting; shortness of breath; fatigue; dizziness or lightheadedness.

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Q: Is a fever a heart attack symptom?
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Do you get sick during a heart attack?

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Is fever a pregnancy symptom?

No, fever is a symptom of infection or dehydration.

Can a heart attack make you nauseous?

Yes, vomiting, is related to a heart attack. It is a common symptom of a heart attack.

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I have had every symptom of a heart attack, only the doctor told me there was "no enzyme action" in your blood - and it was not a heart attack. - it sure as hell felt like one!

How is body temperature affected by a heart attack?

Body temperature is affected by a heart attack in that it typically rises. A heart attack can often trigger a fever of over 100 degrees.

How does rheumatic fever attack the body?

It does serious damage to the valves in the Heart.

How wright brothers died?

Wilbur-typhoid fever Orville-heart attack

Is a fast heart rate a sign of a heart attack?

That can be a symptom, but by itself it could be numerous things from a panic attack to and adrenaline rush. You should see a medical professional if your worried.

Have a pain in your chest under the left arm?

Chest pain under the left arm can be a symptom of various conditions, including heart issues, muscle strain, or nerve-related problems. It's important to seek medical attention to determine the cause of the pain and receive appropriate treatment. If the pain is severe or accompanied by other symptoms like shortness of breath, dizziness, or sweating, seek emergency medical help immediately.

Are chills-fever and sore throat symptoms of a fever?

A fever is a symptom.

What is chest pain a symptom of?

Chest pains can be a symptom of many things. More severe problems include heart attack, stroke, or heart palpitations. less severe problems include acid reflux and asthma.

What causes cold sweating?

Cold sweat is a symptom of many conditions including heat emergencies, hypotension, heart attack, shock (hypovolemic, septic and cardiogenic), general anxiety disorder, mononucleosis and tuberculosis.