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No they are not the same breed. The Appaloosa and Quarter horse are two seperate breeds.

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Q: Is a appaloosa a quarter horse?
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Related questions

What is the second calmest horse in the world?

possibly and quarter horse or a Appaloosa horse

What breed of horse is best for a shy person?

an appendix, quarter horse or a appaloosa and a palomino

What is the horse called that rides next to the horse that is racing?

Pony Horse. Usually a Paint,Quarter Horse, Mustang, Or Appaloosa.

What breed of horse is secretariat?

There are several breeds of horse that are used for flatracing. These include thoroughbred, quarter horse, Arabian, and Appaloosa. (Note . . . The world headquarters of the Appaloosa Horse Club is in my city in northern Idaho) Secretariat is a thoroughbred.

What is an interesting fact about the Appaloosa horse?

The Appaloosa horse was bred by the Nec Perce Indians.

What is designed to ride on trails.?

If your asking what type of horse then in many countries I would recommend the appaloosa, welsh cob and quarter horse as they are surefooted, easy going and steady !

What registration does an appaloosa have?

appaloosas are registered with the American Appaloosa Horse Association (AAHA)The international breed registry is the APA: Appaloosa Horse Association

Which horse breed was called the Palouse horse before they got their most recent and final name?

For Howrse: Appaloosa -x- The Appaloosa horse was first developed and bred by the Paloose Indian tribe. They felt because of the bright colored coat patterns the horses had mystical powers. There are now 2 different registries for the Appaloosa horse. The regular registry or ApPA and the foundation registry that is controlled by the ancesters of the Paloose Indians. They felt the horse was loosing it's original characteristics by breeding to Thoroughbreds and Quarter Horses.

Are Appaloosa horses light?

Appaloosa's are considered a light breed generally of stock horse type. The 'light horse' means that they are lighter in build than draft horses which are considered heavy horses. The 'stock horse type' means they generally are built to work cattle, much like a Quarter horse. Since the original purebred Appaloosa is almost non-existent today most of the breed falls into the stock horse type.

What are the basic most popular horse breeds?

The most popular breed in america is the American Quarter horse, followed my The American Paint horse, and other breeds such as the Appaloosa, Morgon, Arabian, and thorughbred.

What does an appaloosa horse with marble markings look like?

Roughly like an appaloosa horse with marble markings

What has the author Bob Gray written?

Bob Gray has written: 'How entrepreneurs make business profits' 'Great horses of the past' -- subject(s): Appaloosa horse, Horses, Pinto horse, Quarter horse