JPEG is a compressed file. It has the following steps of compression 1. Block Preparation 2. Forward DCT(Direct Cosine Transform) 3. Quantization 4. Zig zag scan 5. DPCM encoding/ RLE encoding 6. Huffman encoding 7. Frame building
JPEG since it compressed well, and is supported by virtually all devices and programs. To have a look in detail at its advantages see the related questions.
Depends on the amount of megapixels, if 4MP then then 22888. If 22MP then 4161, photos compressed. If uncompressed 4MP is 2288 and 22MP is 416. Then there is all the MP's in between
It is not possible to convert a JPEG file into a RAW format file. This is because a RAW file is a lossless recording of all the data received by the camera from the sensor and a JPEG file is a lossey compressed file containing only a fraction of this information. For this reason, the JPEG file would not contain enough data in order to recreate the amount required to generate a RAW file. RAW files can only be created directly by a camera as the image is recorded.
JPEG stands for Joint Photographic Expert's Group. It is a processed image format that uses compression to save space.
There are 3 formats that are most used. There are more but the most common are: .png .jpg (same as .jpeg) .gif (for animated images)
There are both compressed and uncompressed SWF files. The header of the compressed ones starts with "CWS" and uncompressed starts with "FWS".
Uncompressed files are stored in their original form and size, while compressed files are reduced in size using encoding techniques to save storage space. Compressed files need to be decompressed before they can be used, while uncompressed files can be accessed directly.
BY create an uncompressed copy of a file I asume you mean make a copy of the compressed file and have the copy be uncompressed. all you need to do is unzip it.
Do you want compressed or uncompressed video? A DVD can store a compressed full-length movie, but you would have to go to Blu Ray to store an uncompressed feature length film.
he said that the air compressed is greater then uncompressed.
On the hard drive with uncompressed files.
An image file type that has already been compressed is a jpeg.
compression ratio=uncompressed image size/compressed size
No, Raw files are larger and are not compressed.
Yes because it gets compressed
Yes because it gets compressed