Just Checked the various websites for standards of accreditation and found that this particular school is not in the list. Furthermore, when I browsed the website, the Master of Arts in Counseling (MAC) course is only 32 hours. The minimum standard for some states is 45 hours and most require at least 60. This should be a clear sign that the school has no formally accepted accreditation. Consider looking them up on the CHEA database of institutions accredited by U.S. Accrediting organizations or on the commission on colleges sites. See the Related Links below.
Keep in mind that many institutions are not accredited by the CHEA for valid reasons. They may be too new to be able to apply. Many Bible colleges and independent seminaries do not apply for this accreditation because they feel it would connect them "with strings attached" to government intervention in their doctrinal stances. Also remember that not every school that says it is accredited, is accredited by the CHEA. Many are accredited by independent accrediting agencies.
From the Atlantic Coast website:
"Atlantic Coast College of The Bible and Seminary has met the requirements of state law pursuant to Section 1005.06 (1) (f), Florida Statutes as determined by the Florida Commission for Independent Education.
Institutional compliance allows Atlantic Coast College of the Bible and Seminary to offer educational programs that prepare students for religious vocations as ministers, professionals, or laypersons in the categories of ministry, counseling, theology, education, administration, fine arts, media, communications, or social work.
Institutional compliance also allows Atlantic Coast College of the Bible and Seminary to award the A.A., B.A., M.A., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in religious subjects. The religious subject is displayed on the degree certificate. Atlantic Coast College of the Bible also awards the Certificate in Mastering the Bible and the Diploma. Atlantic Coast Seminary awards the M.Div., Doctor of Ministry, and Doctor of Theology degrees."
· Queens University of Charlotte (North Carolina) · Quincy University (Illinois) · Quinnipiac University (Connecticut) · Zane State College (Ohio) · Zion Bible College (Massachusetts)
there is one big bible passage in chapter 12 " the foolish and weak...... " is a bible passage . look up the rest in a bible or in the book
Master appears 195 times in the KJV Bible
No. The Bible does mention king Xerxes in the book of Esther but he is called Ahasuerus there.
He thought that everyone should be able to read and interpret The Bible. This belief went against the teachings of the Catholic Church, in which only clergy could interpret The Bible.
Yes it is an Awesome Bible College and Seminary.
No.Atlantic Coast College of the Bible and Seminary has met the requirements of state law pursuant to Section 1005.06 (1) (f), Florida Statutes as determined by the Florida Commission for Independent Education.Institutional compliance allows Atlantic Coast College of the Bible and Seminary to offer educational programs that prepare students for religious vocations as ministers, professionals, or laypersons in the categories of ministry, counseling, theology, education, administration, fine arts, media, communications, or social work.Institutional compliance also allows Atlantic Coast College of the Bible and Seminary to award the A.A., B.A., M.A., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in religious subjects. The religious subject is displayed on the degree certificate. Atlantic Coast College of the Bible also awards the Certificate in Mastering the Bible and the Diploma. Atlantic Coast Seminary awards the M.Div., Doctor of Ministry, and Doctor of Theology degrees.Before making a decision, read our Doctrinal Statement. Courses are graded based on academic presentation, not if the course work submitted is in agreement with the Doctrinal Statement of Atlantic Coast College of the Bible and Seminary.For information related to the Florida Commission of Independent Education, and to view the agenda of the annual meeting in March, 2010, as it related to the status of Atlantic Coast, use the link below and scroll to page 14.
Bethany Bible College is accredited and is ranked by 4icu.org as 89th out of 99 colleges and universities in Canada.
Not much information is known about Covenant Bible College and Theological Seminary. There are schools with similar names, but not this exact name, that can be found and appear to be legitimate. Here is what one person says about it: I sent $150.00 dollar application and tuition fee to the school over six months ago, and now I cannot reach them. The phone lines have been cut off.
1.Calcutta Bible Seminary in Kolkata, West Bengal. 2.Grace Bible College in Amravati, they have a website http://gracebiblecollege-india.org 3.India Bible College and Seminary, their website is http://ibc.ac.in or just search India Bible College and Seminary. They have more than one campus at more than one location 4.India Christian Bible College, their website is http://www.icbcm.org Also ask local churches for information on studying theology.
Dr. Plez Lovelady Jr. is a pastor, seminary president, and professor at Beulah Bible College & Seminary. He is also an author.
There are two accrediting agencies for Bible colleges that are recognized as legitimate by the U.S. government: The Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE) and The Transnational Association for Christian Colleges and Schools (TRACS). A Bible college will primarily have one of these two accreditations, but may even be accredited by a regional association such as the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). At any rate, any accrediting agency should be recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Capital Bible Seminary was created in 1958.
Malaysia Bible Seminary was created in 1978.
Yes it is! OBC is accredited by the American Accrediting Association of Theological Institutions, Inc., P.O. Box 8939, Rocky Mount, NC 27804-6939. The contact number is (252)451-0024.