No. Four-of-a-kind does not beat a flush of any kind.
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No, an ace cannot start a straight in a game of poker. A straight in poker is a sequence of five consecutive cards, and an ace cannot be used as both the high and low card in a straight.
No, you cannot make a straight with an Ace and a 2 in a game of poker.
No, ace to 5 is not a straight in poker. In poker, a straight is a hand where the cards are in sequential order, such as 2-3-4-5-6. Ace to 5 would not be considered a straight because the ace cannot be both the highest and lowest card in a straight.
No, a straight in poker cannot go from an ace to a 2. In poker, a straight must be in consecutive order without skipping any cards.
No, in most standard poker games, an ace cannot be used as the low card in a straight.
No, in poker, an Ace-2-3-4-5 straight is not considered a valid straight because the Ace cannot be both the highest and lowest card in a straight.
In poker, an ace straight is a straight that includes an ace as the highest card. The rules for forming an ace straight are the same as forming any other straight: you need five consecutive cards in sequence. For an ace straight, the sequence can be A-2-3-4-5 or 10-J-Q-K-A. Remember that in poker, the ace can be used as both the highest and lowest card in a straight.
To hit a straight with an ace in poker, you need to have a hand that includes the cards A, 2, 3, 4, and 5. This is known as a "wheel" or a "bicycle" straight. It is the lowest possible straight in poker and can be achieved with an ace as the lowest card in the sequence.
No, ace two three four five is not a straight in poker. In poker, a straight is a hand with five consecutive cards of any suit. In this case, the ace is considered the highest card, so the sequence ace two three four five does not form a straight.
No, in poker, an ace cannot be used as a one when forming a straight. It can only be used as the highest card in a straight, following a king.
No, 7 8 9 10 Ace is not a straight in poker. A straight in poker is a sequence of five consecutive cards, such as 7 8 9 10 J.
No, you cannot get a straight with the hand Ace 2 3 4 5 in poker because the Ace cannot be both the highest and lowest card in a straight.