The IRISH alphabet does not contain the letter ''X'' but there are loan words starting with that letter such asX-ghawhich is X-ray
The Irish alphabet contains only the following letters:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U
The letter x starts the fewest English words.
Ibizan Hound, Italian Spinone, Irish Wolfhound, Irish Setter, Irish Terrier, Irish Water Spaniel, Italian Greyhound
The Irish Gaelic language has no letter 'y'.
· Vulture · Xerus (a species of squirrel found only in Africa)
· Xerus (a species of squirrel found only in Africa) · Yak
Irish waterspaniel, Irish wolfhound, Irish greyhound, ibizian hound, Irish setter
there are no actual Irish names starting with K because there is no K in the Irish language but you can find Irish names with English spellings such as Caoilin - Keelan Caitriona - Katrina
With the letter 'x' or starting with the letter 'x'? Mexico has an 'x'
No country in the world begins with the letter X.
Nothing in the kitchen starting with letter X