Women had more rights than Athens. They were expected to be strong and protect the house if the men were not home. They were expected to produce stong healthy boys as well.
Sparta focused mainly on the human body strength and military rather than research, development, and government.
Sparta was more poor than Athens.
I think Sparta had less slaves as well.
Sparta's God was if Im not mistaken, Ares or Artemis.
Women had less rights than Sparta and I think they were not allowed to leave the house without a slave or the husband.
Athens focused on research, development, and government producing democracy which spread throughout Greece.
Athens was generally a rich city.
Athens' God was Athena.
When it conquered Messenia, Sparta allotted seven serfs to each Spartan to support them, and so the Spartans were able to spend their time on their own interests, including military training, while the serfs gave them a percentage of their crops. Their women were also given a good degree of equality.
The Athenians had to both work their land for subsistence and do military training in their spare time. They also kept their women at home in virtual purdah, housekeeping, raising children and working on garden produce.
They were very different culturally.
Sparta was a notoriously violent nation. All boys were sent to military training camps at young ages. Men were expected to be in the army, which meant that the women of Sparta where left alone at home with the children. Their independence was the root cause of Spartan women's extensive freedom. They had many more rights then anyone from that time period.
Athens, on the other hand, oppressed women. Athens were also known for their knowledge. They were scholars, historians, and philosophers.
The two nations fought constantly.
life in athens was focused on education while life in sparta was focused on the military
Sparta civilization was all about power and battle; every boy was trained to grow up and be a military weapon. On the other hand, Athens was all about advancements in technologies and not so much battle. Athens' military was mostly filled with potters, bakers, speakers, and so on. It was very much different than Sparta
Athens built it's city-state on intellectualism. They valued education and philosophy above all else. They did have a strong military and all males had to attend two years of military school once they turned 18 years old. Sparta was a military city-states. Spartan boys were sent to military school at the age of 7, and spent years enduring harsh training and conditions.
Sparta had a more militaristic state than Athens. Sparta had all men training for the military at age seven and ending at age sixty (so basically their whole life was for the military). Also, Sparta valued women much more than Athens. In Athens, women had no rights at all and were only there to reproduce and to clean up after the men and manage the home. They also took care of the babies. Unlike the Sparta women who were allowed to have military training (but could not serve in the military), play sports, learn about the arts, go out in public, and own property/stores. Those from Sparta were descendants of the Dorian invaders, however those from Athens were descendants of the Ionians. Athens founded democracy, and believed that the individual was important, while Sparta believed in the state rather than the individual, with a government based on a oligarchic system. Sparta based their society on the repression of 'Helots' (slaves). Athens freed their slaves and abolished debt slavery.
life in athens was focused on education while life in sparta was focused on the military
Sparta Woman had much more freedom the Athenian woman. Sparta woman also had a better education than Athens.
Athens isn't better than sparta. its the other way around!!
I think that Athens was more directed toward money than Sparta, because they wern't directed toward war and were more about enjoying life than war.
Sparta was stronger because they trained for the military more than Athens.
no, Sparta and Athens were both the wealthiest city-states in Ancient and Classical Greece. they were totaly different city-states, Athens was the largest, but frankly Sparta is just more famous!
Sparta has more geographic area than Athens on the map.
It depends on where in ancient Greece. For example Sparta was very different than Athens.
Well in Sparta, women didnt have much rights but had more freedom than women in Athens so you can say Sparta
Sparta civilization was all about power and battle; every boy was trained to grow up and be a military weapon. On the other hand, Athens was all about advancements in technologies and not so much battle. Athens' military was mostly filled with potters, bakers, speakers, and so on. It was very much different than Sparta
Athens is better then Sparta because Athens didnt throw out babies because they were weak! Anyway, Athens is better just because:}:}:}:}:]Another ViewYet Athenian women were kept in virtual slavery at home, whereas in Sparta they were free to participate in community life. And a third of the Athenian population were owned slaves, whereas in Sparta, they were serfs. Who was' best' ?