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73 percent

Edit: This answer can't possibly be accurate as air on earth is only 20% oxygen and is at it's highest level ever. Further more the amount of oxygen needed depends on what your trying to burn.

Keep in mind that oxygen is NOT fuel for fire. Fire IS the even of oxygen combining with other materials. Fire is the effect of energy being released at the time of molecular fusion.

Generally though, if at a high enough altitude where oxygen drops below 15% most things will not burn.

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Q: In order to burn the fire needs what percent of oxygen?
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Why does a burning candle get extinguished when covered with a tumbler?

Fire needs oxygen to burn and when the tumbler covers the fire it uses up all the oxygen in the little space quickly and is extinguished.

How does oxygen Affect how fast a candle will burn?

when a candle burns, the wax is reacting with oxygen in the air to give out heat and light. If you give the candle more oxygen then it will burn brighter, but it will burn out more quickly. It all depends whether the candle has a high or low concentration of oxygen. The main reason why the candle burns brighter is because there is a better chance that the oxygen will bump into the wax on the wick. when a candle burns, the wax is reacting with oxygen in the air to give out heat and light. If you give the candle more oxygen then it will burn brighter, but it will burn out more quickly. It all depends whether the candle has a high or low concentration of oxygen. The main reason why the candle burns brighter is because there is a better chance that the oxygen will bump into the wax on the wick.

Does a fire need fuel oxygen and heat to burn?

Yes it does. If either fuel oxygen or heat were not sufficient or absent, fire would not be able to be sustained or ignited. :)

How do you prove that candles use oxygen?

Light the candle and put a glass jar over it. Watch the flame of the candle closely. When the flame goes out, this means that the flame must have oxygen to burn the candle. This is how candles use oxygen.

What does flammability mean in science term?

It means 'able to be lit on fire' and flammable means that a material or chemical has the abilty to catch fire.

Related questions

Why cant you light a candle on the moon?

Because there is no oxygen on the moon. A fire needs oxygen in order to burn.

Who uses oxygen?

All living things need oxygen in order to survive. Animals, plants, and humans need oxygen. Fire also needs oxygen in order to burn.

Why does flame require air to burn?

fire needs oxygen to burn, because fire is a chemical reaction that needs oxygen. the fire triangle is what fire needs to burn and is this- heat, fuel, and oxygen.

Why do rockets engines in space have to carry their own oxygen?

Fire needs oxygen in order to burn, and there is no oxygen in space, so rockets must take oxygen with them.

Why would firemen be out of a job if there was no oxygen?

A fire needs oxygen to burn.

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What does a flame need to burn?

For a flame to burn it needs fuel, oxygen, and heat.

Why does something need oxygen to burn?

Technically hydrogen and helium do not need oxygen to burn, they burn by themselves, otherwise the object that needs burning must have oxygen as a supplimental fuel source.

Why cant a match burn on the moon?

A match requires oxygen to burn, and there is no significant amount of oxygen in the moon's atmosphere. Without oxygen, combustion cannot occur.

What gas will put a candle out?

Carbon dioxide will put out a candle because it deprives the flame of oxygen, which it needs to keep burning.

What is one use for oxygen?

Oxygen is used by people as we breath it of the uses of oxygen is that fire needs it to burn

Why does a candle turn of when you put baking soda and vinegar together?

Baking soda and vinegar react to create carbon dioxide, which can't burn. The candle needs oxygen in order to burn, but is surrounded by carbon dioxide and cannot burn.