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Q: In bacterial endocarditis the mass of bacteria that is formed is called what?
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Can endocarditis cause emboli?

Another danger associated with endocarditis is that the vegetation formed by bacteria colonizing on heart valves may break off, forming emboli

What is bacterial spore?

Bacterial spores are resistant and dormant structures formed in certain Bacteria and are ment for survival . They are of 2 types endospore and exospores .

Summarize three mechanisms of genetic recombination in prokaryotes?

The three ways in which genetic recombination occur in bacteria are:Tranformation - bacteria are able to take up foreign DNA through their cell membranes. This foreign DNA most often remains as an extrachromosomal structure called the plasmid. Sometimes the foreign DNA can integrate into the bacterial genome.Transduction - The transfer of small segments of bacterial DNA by viruses. When viruses invade the bacterial cell, they make use of the bacterial protein machinery to produce virions. During a process called packaging where genetic material is packed into the newly formed virus, bits of bacterial DNA are also included. These new virions then carry the bacterial DNA into the next cell that they infect.Conjugation - Also termed sexual reproduction between bacteria containing an F plasmid (F+) and one that lacks the plasmid (F-). A temporary structure called the conjugation tube is formed between the two interacting bacteria and the exchange of genetic material takes place.

Can reheating cooked chili that was left unrefrigerated for 4 hours kill bacteria?

Reheating it to 165°F will kill vegetative bacterial cells, but it does not mean that the chicken would be safe to eat. Toxins possibly produced by the bacteria might not be destroyed.

Is botulism a virus bacteria or a protist?

No, botulism is the disease caused by the ingestion of the toxin formed during the growth of the bacteria Clostridium botulinum.

Why does feaces smell?

The reason why feces smell is because of the products that are formed during bacterial action. For example, bacteria produce hydrogen sulfide and other compounds that are rich in sulfur that makes feces smell bad.

How is the presence of antibiotic resistance used as a marker in bacterial transformation?

Antibiotics will kill off all of the bacteria that have not mutated and formed a resistance to the drug. Those that have a resistance to the antibiotics will survive and multiply into many resistant bacterium. This continuously facilitates the production of new kinds of antibiotic resistant bacteria

What are the three categories for bacteria based on shape?

The simplest shape is a round sphere or ball. Bacteria formed like this are called cocci (singular coccus). The next simplest shape is cylindrical. Cylindrical bacteria are called rods (singular rod). Some bacteria are basically rods but instead of being straight they are twisted or bent or curved, sometimes in a spiral - these bacteria are called spirilla (singular spirillum). Spirochaetes are tightly coiled up bacteria.

During conjugation which what structures does a bacteria form that is used to transfer DNA?

conjugation occurs between two bacterial cells and transfers DNA in the form of plasmids. this is one way to transfer of genetic material - it is not sexual reproduction, The other two ways to transfer genetic material between bacteria are transformation and transduction. In order to be able to perform coagulation (transfer of a plasmid) the bacteria must have an F factor (DNA that codes for the PILI protein, which allows the bacteria to create a bridge through which the bacteria inject the plasmid to another bacteria). Bacteria with F factor is called F+, and without it is called F-. F+ can transfer the plasmid to an F- bacteria.

How many more bacteria are formed when a bacterium reproduces?

10000 million bacteria

What is the significance of the organication?

Endospre foming orgaism are of particular interest in the medical field because it is going to inflience the treatment of bacterial infection if the infecting pathogen is able to form spores. As you might already know, spores are formed inside the bacterial cell and are ejected into the external environment. The spores are quite tough and are able to grow into complete bacteria under the right physical conditions. Hence, killing the pathogen does not ensure the death of the spores as well. The spores can turn into bacteria later. Hence, for spore forming bacteria, the medical procedure has to be designed to get rid of the bacteria as well as the spores.

What is the bacterial growth phase after death phase?

If endospores are formed there can be the survival phase.