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Underneath your vehicle, a steel threaded cable comes from the back of one hub and is joined by a short cable from the other hub--then the original cable runs to a threaded end with an adjuster nut in it--and one smaller nut on the end outside of that--(this is the equalizer bar)--you'll see it real close to your transmission.

You might have to jack-up the back of the vehicle???

Pull the parking brake lever up sharply and then release it. Pull the parking brake lever to the second click and leave it there. You're looking for a slight drag of the brake shoes when you spin the wheels. To increase the drag, get under at the equalizer bar and turn the adjusting nut to take up the slack in the cables. Get out and spin the rear wheels if you think it's to tight. I will say don't be afraid to crank on it for a while as in this case, a little adjustment really does not go a long way. When you think you have the drag right, go back in the car and pull the brake up the the fourth click. At this point the wheels should be locked and you should not be able to turn them even when trying hard. If you can, tighten them up a little more. Once you've done this, release the brake and make sure the wheels spin freely. If they are still binding due to the parking brake, back off the adjustment a little. And that's basically the whole adjustment procedure.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 17y ago

1st make sure that service brakes are adjusted properly
adjustment may be at the junction of the 3 cables nder the vehicle or at the handle itself (may have to remove plastic trim for access) Set to 3 clicks and wheels should be locked at that point

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βˆ™ 16y ago

First, verify that you do not have any missing parking brake shoe linings. It is extremely common on a trailblazer for one or more of the parking brakes shoe linings to become dislodged and disintegrate. With a missing lining, normal operation of the parking brake cannot be achieved.

Next, Raise the rear wheels off the ground. Set the 4WD to 2WD mode. Shift into Neutral. Verify that the parking brake control is set to off. Remove the rear wheels, brake calipers, and brake rotors.

The parking brake shoes at each wheel will now be exposed. Separating the

shoes is a cylindrical object with a gear-like bit near it's middle. This object is called the adjuster. Rotate the adjuster gear in one direction to lengthen the adjuster, the other direction to shorten it. A longer adjuster tightens the parking brake. The parking brake should be adjusted as tight as will not drag at all when the rotor is in place. With the parking brake set to three clicks on, you should not be able to turn the wheel by hand.

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βˆ™ 17y ago

remove brake pedal, put into reverse, quickly accelerate

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βˆ™ 16y ago

there is a lever that you push up or down. its on the right side of the steering collum. i have a 95 gti model

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Q: How to adjust the Parking brake on a Trailblazer?
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How do you adjust the emergency brake on a 2004 GMC Sierra?

# To gain access to the parking brake adjuster raise the rear and support the truck # Remove the rubber plug from the brake backing plate and using a screwdriver or brake adjusting tool turn the adjusting screw star wheel until the parking brake shoe start to drag as the disc is turned then back off the star wheel until the shoes dont drag

How do you install brake pads on a 1992 Aerostar?

# Release the parking brake # Remove the cowl trim panel from the left side of the drivers compartment for access to the parking brake pedal # Pull back on the parking brake cable toward the control assembly (parking brake) and insert a 5/32 inch drill bit into the control actuator to lock the assembly into position # Its actually easier to pull the parking brake cable from under the vehicle but you will need an assistant to help you do this way. # Loosen the rear wheel lug nuts and raise and support the truck # Remove the brake calipers and the brake discs # Detach the parking brake cable from the actuator arm # Clean the parking brake assembly with brake cleaner # Remove the brake shoe retracting spring # Remove the adjusting screw spring and remove the adjusting screw # Remove the hold down springs from the shoes # Remove the parking brake shoes from the actuator

Why do you have to pump on the brakes to get the brake lights to come on?

You need to adjust your brake light switch. It should be located on the brake pedal. Unplug the switch and loosen the nuts to adjust the button closer to the brake pedal.

What wheels does the parking brake effect?

The Parking Brake has a couple of configurations, on some vehicles with rear disc brakes it will press the inside pad of the caliper and squeeze the pad against the brake rotor to engage, some vehicles have a small set of brake shoes inside the rear rotor hub which press against the hub and prevent it from turning when the brake lever is engaged. On vehicles with rear drum brakes, the parking brake causes the rear brake shoe on either side to press against the brake drum and prevent it from turning. Either configuration in on the rear wheels.Usually the rear axle. The parking brakes are also the emergency brakes, and if they were on the front, could render the vehicle unsteerable in an accident avoidance maneuver.Rear brakes. On some older cars they parking brake actually surrounded the drive shaft and when applied lock the drive shaft in place. Today the parking brake applies the rear brakes.

Why does parking brake light remain on in a 1996 Ford Escort when parking brake is off?

The light may be the low fluid level for the master cylinder also. Check the fluid level.

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