Each Phillip Sandee painting is worth a different amount. There are a few painting online that are selling for $65 US dollars.
It depends on the painting and the artist.
In 1977 my painting was valued at $800.00
It depends on the painting. In order to determine the value of the painting, it is best to take the painting to an art dealer for a quote.
how much is this oil painting worth
Not much I just bought one on eBay for 99p
I have a painting signed p. sandee,any one know what value it should be,it looks very old and very fine painting
Philip Sandee was born in 1904 and died in 1996 at the age of 92 . Born in Indiana , Lived in Florida . I hope this helps !
I bought a painting from P. Sandee at Buxton some years ago (think it was Buxton) could have been Chester). The painting shows a girl by a lake or river with 2 Swans swimming near to a bridge.
I would like to know also. I've been told he's from the great lakes area.
Philip Hendy has written: 'Spanish painting' -- subject(s): Painting, Spanish, Painting, History, Spanish Painting 'Matthew Smith'
Sandee Chan was born in 1970.
Sandee Conrad is 5' 6".
Sandee Marshall is 5' 4".
Sandee Greene is 5' 3".
SanDee Pitnick goes by Sam.
Sandee Marriott's birth name is Edwin Frank Marriott.