It would need to be launched into a tangent plane parellel to that of the earth's orbit around the sun, with the same speed of rotation around the sun
Your at the equator if you see Polaris at the horizon
The equator
We can't feel the Earth's rotation because we're moving along with it. So is the atmosphere. Also . . . You NEVER feel "uniform" motion. You only feel CHANGES in motion, i.e., changes in speed or direction. On the rotating Earth, the speed is constant, and the direction changes by only about 1 degree in 4 minutes, which is too gradual to be noticeable. Imagine you went to the equator, where the Earth's rotational speed is greatest. If you stood on a balance to measure your weight there, you would notice a slight reduction in your weight because of the "centrifugal effect". However the difference would be too small to "feel". The difference, caused by the Earth's rotation, between your weight at the poles and at equator would much less than 1%.
it ways the same gomer (just google gomer)
Assuming a speed of 1670 kilometers per hour (the approximate speed at which Earth rotates at the equator), one full turn around the equator would take approximately 24 hours.
To calculate how long it would take to walk around the world at 3 miles per hour at the equator, you need to determine the circumference of the Earth at the equator, which is approximately 24,901 miles. At a walking pace of 3 miles per hour, it would take about 8,300 hours or 345 days to walk around the world.
All depends upon your speed, and whether you are driving, walking, or running. Driving 60 miles per hour would result in a 1-minute mile, for instance. Walking an average walking speed of 3 mph would take around 20 minutes. Running at an average of around 8-10 mph would result in a 6-7 minute run.
Someone walking toward the back of the train would have a greater speed relative to you if you are stationary inside the train. This is because their speed would be the combination of their walking speed and the speed of the train moving forward.
Going along the equator at an altitude of zero, it would take approx 19.9 hours.
To follow the sun and remain in the same position relative to it, you would need to travel at the same speed as the Earth's rotation, which is approximately 1670 kilometers per hour (at the equator). This speed is known as the Earth's rotational velocity.
The rocket launching the satellite from the equator would need to travel at the speed of approximately 1670 km/h due to the Earth's rotational velocity. This speed is necessary to counteract the rotation of the Earth and achieve orbit around the planet.
The time it takes to walk 25 meters would depend on the individual's walking speed. On average, a person walks at a speed of about 1.4 meters per second, so it would take approximately 17.9 seconds to walk 25 meters. Factors such as terrain, incline, and physical condition can also affect the time it takes to cover this distance.
It would take you ten days, except for the fact that walking around the world in ten days is physically impossible. Assuming there was a land route at the equator (and there is not) you would have to walk at about 104 miles per hour without stopping to do it.
Factors including height, weight, age, and overall health of a dog would determine the walking speed. The same factors also determine the walking speed of a person. Most dogs are able to walk the same speed as a person who is walking them. The average walking speed is about 3 miles per hour.
Distance is of 653 kilometers (406 miles). Walking speed is usually around 5 kilometers (3 miles) an hour. Your travel time would take around 5 and a half days, non-stop.
No. Very similar to if you tried walking around the Earth.