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Answer is 'Dont give up your DAY job.....'

While they do work for the master artist they may or may not make any money as this is usually part of the program to pay for what they learn...

All this should be in the agreement with the artist in the first place....

And dont get buffaloed, make sure the person you pick is qualified to teach you and has the temperment to do so.....hope this helps....Tatubaron

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13y ago

For the most part, that all depends on you the prospective apprentice. It all depends heavily on how much time you have to devote to learning, how quickly you can learn, your artistic ability, your overall attitude and people skills, ability to think on your toes and a lot of other things that you have to take into account. The absolute quickest that I have ever seen an apprenticeship taking was around 8 months, and the student in question was very quick to learn and had pretty good natural talent to begin with. It takes a good while till you're truly at a place where you can throw down a piece right the first time in a good amount of time and not have your customers come back regulary for touch ups and the like. In many instances, a year to a year and a half is the norm for an apprenticeship and two years isn't unheard of. No apprenticeship should take longer than that, and if it either really suck and should quit, or your shop sucks and you should find another.

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15y ago

It does not cost money. You have to find a willing shop to let you apprentice in and then you basically work for free while you learn to tattoo. Its like a trade off. (:

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Q: How long does a tattoo apprenticeship take?
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you first have to apprentice,i did my apprenticeship for 3 years before i got mine.

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AnswerTattoo artists do not attend formal schooling. There is an apprenticeship.

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First, get an apprenticeship. This is not a "how to" site.and call them tattoo machines as guns shoot people, tattoo machines do not

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with a tattoo machine. this question is entirely too vague. go get an apprenticeship and ask your teacher.

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The education of a tattoo artist is usually determined by the department of professional occupational regulation. In Virginia you must take CPR, first aid, & bloodeborne pathogens along with either a 750 hour tattoo school course or a 1500 hour apprenticeship such as those offered by to apply to take the board's tattoo artist exam.

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you take too long? not sure what your asking

How long does school take for tattoo and piercing artist?

The regulations for tattoo school length vary by location. In Virginia, according to, school takes 750 hours. This leads to professional licensure. As a professional tattoo artist I can tell you that there is no such thing as a mandatory tattoo school. Some states require that the artist have been through an apprenticeship for a certain amount of time, but there is no requirement to go to "tattoo school." As a matter of fact, most reputable tattoo artists laugh at the notion of a tattoo school. These schools promise to teach you to be a tattoo artist in 2 weeks... The typical apprenticeship lasts for at least 1-2 years. Having said that, how do you expect a classroom full of students to learn in 2 weeks what a single student takes years to learn in a hands-on environment?

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you get an apprenticeship complete that and go from there, scratchers definitely shouldn't start a tattoo shop but do i! need to be apprenticed

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The length of time it takes to do a tattoo will depend on the design. A simple tattoo with just a name will take less than 30 minutes.

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Take your portfolio into a shop, and ask to speak with the owner. Be persistent, and have a nice portfolio, showing your ability with colors and black and greys

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doesnt work