This you could get away with for awhile without further damage. Motor mounts have a built in safety device to keep the engine in place when the rubber mount breaks.
If you rev your motor and the motor moves excessively one or both of your motor mounts is broken. Visual inspection is the best method for determining the condition of your mounts. Jack up the car and put it on jack stands. Get underneath and look at each of the mounts. The rubber should not be cracked or missing pieces. Push on the motor with your hand and make sure the rubber is not broken and that both sides ( motor and the part of the chasis where it mounts ) are firmly attached.
Typically age/wear. If you replace one, you should consider replacing all of them as they are weakened by the bad one.
Could be a bad starter drive or a broken tooth on flywheel/converter Try turning motor manually (make sure it is in neutral if std.) by using a large socket on the crankshaft. If starter works this way probably a bad tooth if not, probably a bad starter drive
Blown fuse, bad heater blower motor control switch, bad blower motor, or a bad blower motor resistor pack.
either the control head is bad or there is a blower motor resistor that is bad.
The 1997 Ford Taurus has for motor mounts and to transmission mounts. Worn motor mounts and transmission mounts will allow the engine and transmission to have movement.
if its a rear wheel drive you could have a u-joint going out.front wheel drive a drive axle going out one of your motor mounts are bad replace it....
Bad motor mounts and needs a tune up probably
It is a honda van! Well that dependes on what car you have and which motor mount is bad
It is important to know the symptoms of a bad car part. The symptoms of a bad motor or transmission mounts are loss the car part, shaking and lots of noise.
The risks of driving with bad motor mounts can be high. if the mounts have completely separated, then the motor is free to move at will. The motor could puncture the radiator or damage other components.
Check your motor mounts and what your at it check trans mounts.
Yes. Totally! If the engine mounts are bad the whole car will vibrate and run bad. Get it fixed.
If you rev your motor and the motor moves excessively one or both of your motor mounts is broken. Visual inspection is the best method for determining the condition of your mounts. Jack up the car and put it on jack stands. Get underneath and look at each of the mounts. The rubber should not be cracked or missing pieces. Push on the motor with your hand and make sure the rubber is not broken and that both sides ( motor and the part of the chasis where it mounts ) are firmly attached.
Engines are held into the vehicle with "motor mounts"... although they should probably be called "engine mounts". Motor mounts can go bad and the engine can move excessively. If a motor mount has failed, take it to just about any reputable mechanic and it can be replaced.
It is possible, but there were no recalls relating to motor mounts.