really fast. well depending on tank. below 10g 1inch per month, above 10g 2inch per month. i had a rainbow shark in 6.6g and was about 2 ich when i bought it and after about 3 month 6 and a half inch length and with was 2 inch. had to give it to my nearest pet store.
Red SnapperA rowerowe Rainbow fish and Rice fish those are the only two I can think of!
Here's a few that come to mind... Remora, ratfish, rock beauty, rainbow parrotfish, redband parrotfish, ray, rainbow trout.
· Rainbow Trout · Roughy · Red Snapper
about 1 inch a year
Just search the keyword 'trout' on google, go to images, and get a rough idea from there.
It grows 1inch per month
The rainbow trout body and tail shape are adapted to slow and fast moving water. Some species of rainbow trout can change their color to adapt to different underwater environments, water depths, and rock structure.
There are many you tube videos but they get up to 40lbs!
Yes, Rainbow trout are diurnal.
There are commonly two types of habitat for a rainbow trout. First is a river or stream. As long as the water is cold and flowing trout will flourish. Although this is so, a trout will only grow as big as it's environment lets it. Secondly, is a lake. Just like trout in a river, trout in a lake need to be cold to live to their potential. Trout in lakes normally grow much larger than trout in a river. Usually because food is more prevalent and they have much more space to move.
There are several species of trout. The largest lake trout recorded weight is over 60 pounds, and rainbow trout weighing as much as 25 pounds have been caught.
Rainbow trout
a hungry rainbow trout will eat anything
Yes, trout are a cannibal fish. They eat their own species.
well, first of all, you can not buy rainbow trout. i know i know rainbow trouts are popular fish but buying a pet rainbow trout is impossible. if you really want to get a pet rainbow trout, then get a hunters purmit and go catch one
Fairy springs is where you can see Rainbow trout