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full grown dogs? probably not, but my friend's kitten was put down because of an abnormal heart murmur.

It depends upon the cause, there are benign heart murmur that cause no ill effects. There's also heart murmurs caused by a defect that will result i the dog feeling tired and having less energy than he or she would normally have.

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Q: How does a heart murmur affect a dog?
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What does a dog ultrasound for heart murmur cost?

My vet told me $250

How often does the baby see the cardiologist with a innocent heart murmur?

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Can you take ecstasy with a heart murmur?

Yes! Cocaine has a direct affect on the walls of the heart and restriction of blood flow.

What is the duration of Murmur of the Heart?

The duration of Murmur of the Heart is 1.97 hours.

Is there anything you can do other then surgery to help a dog with a heart murmur?

Not if the Vet feels that surgery is required.

An abnormal heart sound?


When was Murmur of the Heart created?

Murmur of the Heart was created on 1971-04-28.

Does a heart murmur affect heart rate?

Depending if it is a systolic or diastolic murmer, it could effect your heart rate do to lack of o2 throughout the heart and body.

What are the various types of heart mummers?

There are two types of heart murmur. Systolic murmur which occurs during contraction of the heart, and Diastolic murmur which occurs during the relaxation phase of the heart.

Heart murmur cause by hown much does it cause for a trnsplant due to a heart murmur?

a heart murmur is an abnormal sound that is from your valves in your heart. The most common reason for this is due to leaks ormthe narrowing of your valves. In most cases, a heart murmur corrects on its own.

What is medicine for dog muscle spasm?

My dog takes human medicine prescribed by a animal nuerologist. It is called is a heart murmur medicine. It has help my dog tremedously.