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I think that you should ask your friends or family to help you get a Expert Staff Ghost. 'Cause it is better to ask people that HAVE done it. Maybe, just MAYBE there will be the right answer on the computer. I am sorry to dissapoint you that I don't know how to unlock it. Maybe try 2 ask on a simaler question,for exanple: Expert Staff Ghost on mariokart. Or maybe you have mariokart DS. Again, I am sorry to dissapoint you that I don't know how to unlock it. Have Fun racing!

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I think You need to make a better time than the ghost in more than 7 seconds

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Q: How do you unlock expert staff ghosts?
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How do you unlock 4 expert staff ghosts on mario kart wii?

to unlock any expert staff ghosts in Mario Kart Wii, you gotta beat the normal ghost in the time trials.

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To unlock the Torpedo, which is actually called the "Spear", you must unlock 12 Expert Staff Ghosts. To unlock Expert Staff Ghosts*, you must beat the regular ghost by 7 or more seconds. I hope I helped you! *- in the game, an Expert Staff Ghost is called a Fast Staff Ghost

How do you unlock 4 expert staff ghosts?

I would go and use WFC to do ghost races and better there times as best as you can. Then in the screen where you see you'r best times it will also say that you unlocked an expert staff ghost (it's not necessary to unlock the staff ghosts).

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unlock 8 expert staff ghosts on time trials

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You have to unlock four expert staff ghosts in Time Trials.

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Beat 8 expert staff ghosts or beat normal staff ghosts by 3 seconds a minute

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You have to unlock 4 expert staff in ghost data in Time Trials.

What are expert ghosts in Mario Kart wii?

They are ghosts that are by the Nintendo staff. But unlike the regular Nintendo ghosts, these are very fast and hard to beat. To unlock an expert Nintendo ghost, you need to beat the regular Nintendo ghost by several seconds to unlock the expert ghost.

How do you unlock expert ghosts in Mario kart wii?

beat the normal staff by about seven seconds

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You unlock Baby Luigi by unlocking 8 Expert Staff Ghost Data in time trials.You unlock him by unlocking 8 expert staff ghost data, but you can also win 100 NWFC ghosts races. and of course being good at Mario kart !

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You have to unlock 24 Expert Staff Ghosts (also known as Fast Staff Ghosts). To do that, you must beat the regular ghost by 7 or more seconds.