It helps to have the same paint that was used to paint the ceiling in the first place. Next best option is knowing the exact color and product the paint was in. Next to impossible is buying a can of "ceiling paint" and using that. There are way to many different shades and sheens of ceiling paint to guess.
Thin out the paint approx one ounce of water or thinner, depending on the paint base, to eight ounces of paint. Brush or roll the area that is being touched up, then feather out the edges of the paint so that it blends into the existing paint.
Feather out means to spread the paint along the edge of the touch up area into the surrounding area so that the touch up doesn't have a hard edge.
What kind of dried paint? What is under the paint on the ceiling? ....on the metal?
Touch up is the best solution!
Michelangelo painted the ceiling of Sistine
Ensure that you are putting enough paint on the surface, then roll or spray the ceiling all in one direction. Always work to the wet paint edge and do not stop long enough for the paint to dry. If you are spraying, do two coats, one in the direction of the length, and the other in the direction of the width. If you are rolling and trying to avoid a second coat, make sure you are putting enough paint on the ceiling and then wait 24 hours. If you see marks after 24 hours, put on a second coat in the other direction, ie if you applied the first coat the length of the ceiling, apply the second coat in the direction of the width. Again, be sure to work into the wet edge so do not stop long enough to allow the paint to dry to the touch. Once you've finished the second coat, allow the paint to dry for 24 hours before judging the coverage. Another trick is to use a 100% acrylic stain kill primer instead of ceiling paint. It will cost about twice as much but it is as close as you can come to a guaranteed one coat ceiling paint. Since the ceiling is not subject to wear and tear, there is no need to top coat with a paint.
Yes, as long as they are both the same base, you can mix many paints.
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You can buy touch up paint at the dealership of which your vehicle was purchased or at most auto retail shops. You may also be able to find touch up paint online for a cheaper price.
What kind of dried paint? What is under the paint on the ceiling? ....on the metal?
To touch up paint that was sprayed on, you can lightly sand the area to smooth it out, then apply a small amount of matching paint with a brush or sponge. Blend the new paint with the existing paint for a seamless finish.
Paint the ceiling first. Work top down.
You can find touch up paint, for dive towards, at most, pool supply stores. You can also find the touchup paint at most boat dealerships.
The Sky
Assuming you want to cover up the purple so you can start over: buy the type of paint that covers water stains, deep colors. Kilz makes a paint that does that. Then, paint over that with the color you do want.
There is a store that sells all things for cars call Auto Zone. There you would be able to find touch up paint. You can also get paint from any car dealership.
There are many online shops that provide auto touch up paint services. is one of online shop that provides auto touch up paint services for any kind of auto cars. You can visit is an excellent choice for looking to buy genuine factory made touch up paint for specific cars, such as a red Toyota Corolla. Or at
Touch up is the best solution!