To stop watching people on deviantart, follow these steps:
1) Go to the deviantART website. (
2) At the top right corner of every deviantART page, there will be two dark green rectangles. One says 'Friends' and one says 'Collections'. Click the one that says 'Friends'.
3) A drop down menu will appear. At the bottom of this menu is a grey/green button that says 'Add / Remove'. Click on that.
4) This will bring you to a page with a list filled with all the people you watch. (Who you receive updates from) To un-watch someone, find their name in that list. To the left, there will be a single checkbox. Checking this box selects that you want to delete them. Check the box next to the name you do not want to watch anymore.
5) When you have done that (you may select more than one at a single time), scroll down to the bottom of the page. Below the list of names there is a button that says 'Update'. Click that.
6) This will refresh the page, and they will be removed from your watchlist. Doing this, does not notify that person that you have removed them.
a commission is where you give someone deviantart points or money to draw/paint etc. a picture for you
DeviantART was created on August 7, 2000. It was co-created by Angelo Sotira, Scott Jarkoff, and Matthew Stephens. Two of the three co-creators are still active on deviantART today.
An OC on deviantart is short for Original Character. Like for your own stories or from tv shows, cartoons or anime.
A lot of people prefer watching television to going out. This is because watching television is more convenient, and doesn't involve spending a lot of money.
look at their FAQ
To stop watching a group on DeviantArt without leaving it, go to the group's page, click on the "Watch" button, and select "Unwatch" from the drop-down menu. This will remove the group from your watchlist while still allowing you to be a member of the group.
people who viewed your deviantArt page.
people are weird
the people who made it.
DeviantART was founded August 7th, 2000 by three people; Angelo Sotira, Scott Jarkoff, and Matthew Stephens. Angelo Sotira can be found on deviantart by the username of $spyed. Scott Jarkoff can be found on deviantart by the username of °jark. Matthew Stephens can be found on deviantart by the username of °matteo.
Some people turned their backs on him, but others continue to support him.
Tutorials on vector designs can be found on YouTube and on Deviantart. Tutorials on YouTube, is more for those who prefer to learn from watching visually. As for those who prefer to read along with some visual support, Deviantart is recommended.
No, you cannot get banned on deviantart because of your profile picture. (a lot of people put inappropriate parts of their body and they do not get banned)
Points can be used to buy prints and merchandise in the deviantart store. To commission people and also to buy premium membership
To let people show their artworks to the world.
most likley because people stop watching it or it got to old but luckly they have the show on netflix