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DO NOT try and try again. This leads to a dead battery and/or flooded engine.

Instead, try lightly tapping the accelerator pedal ONCE while cranking the engine. If that doesn't work:

Something is broken. Get it to a mechanic who can understand what is wrong.

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Turn the key to start the vehicle but don't press the accelerator at all.

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Q: How do you start a warm fuel injection engine?
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What would cause a 1996 dodge ram 2500 to idle rough at start then run well after warm up?

Check the hot and cold resistance values for the block temp probe (you'll need to find those from a friendly dealer or on-line). It could be telling the engine that its warm before it truly is, thus sending leaner signals to the fuel injectors. If that doesn't prove out, the modern fuel injection systems are very sensitive to dirty fuel filters, which could be causing your problem. Unfortunately, you don't really know without changing the filter. Nathan

Why would a 2000 Silverado 53 engine start good when it has sat for a while but turn over for a long time before it starts when it is warm?


Have 91 Toyota 1 ton 3 0 engine starts runs good when you stop try to start warm engine turns over but desent start acts like it flooded when cool starts good runs good problem fuel pump possible?

when you get it started does it pump black smoke and smell rich in gas? could be what they call hot soak your injectors actually leak in the manifold when there is residule pressure in fuel line and flood the cylinders with gas. fuel pump sounds fine

1996 Ford F-350 460ci starts runs but idles fast After killing engine won't start until cold Not getting gas Answers?

Typically, failur to idle down on computer controlled engine is an indication that the computer doesn't know the engine has warmed up. I would start by checking the temperature sensor on the block. On the 460 it's near the top radiator hone on the intake. Note that for some years, there are 2 sensors, the other is for the dash guage. Starting problems when warmed up are also typical for a failed temp sensor, the computer is setting the fuel mixture rich because it thinks the engine is cold, the engine won't start well with rich fuel when it's already warm. After that..look for vacuum leaks..

Why won't this 1991 Mercury Sable restart after engine is warm from driving and won't start again until parked one to two hours for cooling?

There might be a problem with the fuel pressure. When the vehicle is shut off after driven for a while, the fuel pressure create a vapor lock in the fuel line. Therefore, insufficient fuel are going into the fuel injectors while you restart. Also, it check for any TSB from ford to see of this a common problem for this vehicle. Good Luck.

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What causes white smoke from diesel engine when its hot outside?

White smoke is unburned fuel, usually caused by low combustion temps in the engine. It should clear up after the engine warms up. If it takes a long time or the smoke persists when the engine is warm, it could be retarded injection. If you have a cold start lever pull it to the first notch and see if the smoke disappears. If not it could be an injector problem, or an injection problem (injection pump TDI... etc)

How much gas does a car use to start?

How much gas a car uses to start depends on the ambient temperature, humidity, the particular engine used, the carburetor or fuel injection system on the engine, and the accelerator pump, or cold start fuel map used. On a warm dry day, a well tuned engine need consume no more gas at startup than it does while idling for a few seconds. In nonoptimal conditions it may require an injection of additional fuel through a cold start valve, fuel injectors, or accelerator pump on carburated cars, in order to start. This amount of additional fuel can range from 0 to 300cc in the worst case I have encountered. Additionally, in cold weather, once a car has started, it may need to remain on high idle for a few seconds before it is ready to drive. This consumes additional fuel.

What are the effects of a bad fuel pressure regulator?

Really bad fuel economy, engine runs rough when warm (possibly won't start or hard to start when warm), possibly black smoke from the exhaust, unusual noises from the fuel pump, and general poor performance.

88 rx7 turbo does not start after warm up?

once you start these cars you have to drive them. if you start it let it run then shut it off it will usually flood the engine... if its only having troubles starting when warm you may have leaky fuel injectors or pump letting the gas flow into the engine or back into the tank causing vapor lock in the fuel lines

How do you start a cold engine?

you pour warm water on it, but dont get it in the air filter because it will get in your fuel system and mess up your car

When do you need to use a manual choke on a car?

If the car has fuel injection you cannot use a choke. however if the car has a carburetor without a automatic choke that is when add a manual choke cable to the carburetor choke flap. When you pull the choke flap closed it limits the air flow to the engine allowing for the engine to warm up so so it can atomize the fuel for the engine to run more efficiently. This is important in cold weather you almost always have to use a choke to start the engine.

Why does 350 4 barrel starts when cold not when warm?

It is bleeding down---- Leaking fuel out of the fuel bowl and flooding the engine. In other words fowling the spark plugs out. When a engine is cold it needs more fuel to start. But when a engine is hot it needs less fuel to start. You need to make sure the choke plate is opening all the way up when engine is hot and it should stay open until engine cools off. If it is closed when engine is hot that will also flood the engine and it will not start. If choke is working then REBUILD carburetor.

Why does the Engine turns over slow and wont start when warm?

soundes like your started may be going out or you have a fuel vapor lock problem.

Why does my engine run rough when cold but not when warm?

The catalytic converter needs to warm up to a running temperature and various operation in the engine devote energy or fuel to this process. Once the catalytic converter has reached this "running temperature" it can easily maintain this temperature with the heated exhaust from the engine. One of the "warming up" components is malfunctioning, most likely the pre- or post injection of the fuel into the engine which is one of several methods of "warming up" your catalytic converter.

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hard starting in the morning. It could also mean hard starting when the engine is warm. If the sensor is bad, and the car is warm, it could be telling the computer the engine is cold, therfore making the warm engine hard to start because it will be telling the computer to add more fuel and the engine doesn't need it.