I'm a painting contractor and have had problems with employees getting overspray on window vinyl. What has worked for us is acetone or a product called goof off. But first try it in a spot not so obvious.
Good Luck, Steve
Here are some suggestions:
Pure Acetone
You have to use pure acetone like the kind you buy from a hardware store. Use a clean white cloth and continue to blot the area till you do not see the color of the wood stain anymore.
Just sprayed WD-40 on fresh stain drops and it came right out. Blotted with a white paper towel. I didn't have acetone or thinner but I had WD-40 (knock off at that) and it REALLY worked. Had like a 1/4 can of stain on the floor. Blotted what we could and used the WD-40 and it came up with blotting easily.
Resolve Dual Power spot carpet cleaner with oxi stain
The only way to get it out is by sanding it down.
Using a stripping agent such as Stripeeze will take off some of the stain when it removes the finish so that the stripped piece looks much lighter afterward.
Depending on how dark you plan on coloring the piece after you have removed the old finish and lightened the stain, it might not matter whether or not you have removed all of the stain.
If you were to darken a piece from a honey colored stain, such as a maple or oak, to a darker stain like cherry, the darker cherry ought to cover the lightened, stripped maple stain residue to the point where it doesn't really matter what color it originally was.
The only luck you will have on this one is if your carpet is white. Mustard takes the color out of carpets. You will have to have a professional come in, get the spot out and dye that spot the same color as your carpet. I recently had a brand new carpet put down and had several people over for a buffet. After everyone left I was horrified to see a large spot by my loveseat of mustard! I cleaned it up the best I could, but it was still yellow (on a light dove gray rug.) I had to call in a pro and he did the above and you can't even see it now.
I don't know about fiberglass but I got wood stain on my nearly-white carpet and it came right up using hydrogen peroxide. It didn't bleach out the carpet either! Hope that helps.
If it has dried, use mineral oil. This will leave a greasy stain in the carpet, so then use a degreaser...but the mineral oil will break up the plastic and get it out of the carpet.
You can stain balsa wood.
You can't stain a door that is already sealed. You have to first remove the sealer down to bare wood so that the stain can penetrate into the wood to the color desired, then reseal with a polyurethane or spar varnish.
Wood stain is abosorbed into the wood, so the wood takes on the color of the stain. This is why the features of the wood are still visible, unlike with paint.
To remove wood stain from carpet, first blot up any excess stain with a clean, dry cloth. Next, mix a solution of dish soap and warm water, and blot the stain with the solution using a clean cloth. Rinse with clean water and repeat until the stain is gone. If the stain persists, you may need to use a commercial carpet stain remover.
To remove dried wood stain from carpet, first scrape off any excess stain with a blunt object. Then, apply a mixture of dish soap and warm water to the stain, and gently blot with a clean cloth. Repeat until the stain is lifted, and finish by rinsing the area with clean water. If the stain persists, you may need to consult a professional carpet cleaner.
I don't know about fiberglass but I got wood stain on my nearly-white carpet and it came right up using hydrogen peroxide. It didn't bleach out the carpet either! Hope that helps.
Stains from carpet cannot be easily removed with plain water. Stain remover/ carpet cleaner is necessary in order to completely remove it.
remove guinness stain
There really isn't a way to remove a paint thinner stain from wood furniture. You must repaint or re-stain the furniture.
How to remove a carpet stain would depend upon what the stain is. The best way to remove a red wine stain is actually to pour white wine onto it and then blot it up.
wd 40 is a miracle worker it willl work
Blackcurrant juice can produce stains on the carpet if you accidentally spill them over. What you can do to remove the stain is by having a vinegar mixture. This is an ideal route for area rug carpet cleaning when dealing with Blackcurrant juice spills. Create the vinegar cleaning solution by preparing at least two tablespoons of salt. Then mix them with around a half cup of white vinegar. You can then carefully rub off the vinegar mixture to remove the juice stain on the carpet. Otherwise, you can call a professional area rug carpet cleaning service to remove the stain effectively.
i had water color stain on jeans, it can be cleaned using Ariel ultra
Of course, do you want a stain in your carpet? If it's a liquid, egt a damp cloth and dab, then rub, if a solid has stained the carpet, get some stain remover or some hot soapy water and scrub.