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Contrary to the repair manual; you do not need to remove the steering wheel. Remove the bottom dash panel below the steering wheel and then the bottom black steering wheel cover (3 screws). You will see a 1/8 inch hole and pin below the lock set. Put the key lock in the neutral position and push the pin and remove the ignition lock set. Put the new lock set in the neutral position and insert it. Turn it to the off position which resets the lock pin.

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16y ago
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11y ago

just finished mine and it is not hard but it is time consuming. The tools you need 1/2 inch socket

8m socket

10m socket

steering wheel puller

snap ring pliers

first disconnect the neg battery cable and then the positive cable, wait two minutes to ensure the airbag sensor disengages. Turn the key to start position, take the knee knocker trim off from under the steering wheel. you will see a white plastic rectangle near the end of steering column (that is the ignition switch ) remove it (two bolts)

then take of the airbag (steering wheel cover) there is a bolt on both sides of the steering wheel and you may need to remove the plugs over them with a flat hear screw driver. Once you remove the airbag place it in the back seat or trunk facing up (put it somewhere where it won't hurt anyone if it comes undone)

next you need to unplug the wiring harness coming up the column and into the steering wheel (don't pull on the wires unless you want to repair them).

remove the large hex bolt from the center of the steering wheel , and then use your steering wheel puller to remove steering wheel (you can rent one from auto zone if you don't own one)

remove the blinker cluster on the left (two bolts one top and other bottom)

next look under the ignition switch on the column and find a tiny hole and use a punch or something to release the switch and pull ignition switch out (don't jack with the key if possible, no biggie if you do)

remove the black circle deal on the columns with a flat head (there is a lock clip on top and bottom)

now you will see a white plastic piece looks somewhat like a gear just pull it off by hand, now you will see the snap ring and spring remove the snap ring and spring assembly.

now you should be able to see to bolts (one on each side of the column pointing outwards towards doors) the passenger one is easy to get out, the driver side one is a little tricky but remove both of them carefully (there is still a spring on the passenger side for the tilt wheel)

now you will see the crapy plastic actuator and most likely the pin has come out. you can put the pin back in if it is a tight fit and grease the hell out of the actuator. or you can continue for about another hour taking the actuator out and replacing it.

the actuator is about 20 dollars at the dealership.

put it back together but make sure you put the tilt wheel spring in before you put those two bolts back in on the sides.

I used a flat head screw driver to hold the bottom part of actuator up to put the pin in through both pieces and shot grease down the hole . once i got the key switch back in I worked it back and forth pretty good.

the last note I will give you is to make sure before you put the ignition switch back on at the bottom of the column (the white rectangle) that the notch is all the way down so that the actuator hole lines up .

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