Visit this site with some useful everyday phrases and spoken examples:
It doesn't change depending on the country. MMA means Mixed Martial Arts.
Good moher
MMA fight shorts may be purchased from several retailers. These retailers include Combat Sports, MMA Warehouse and MMA Overload. Other places to shop for MMA fight shorts are Cage Side MMA and MMA Outlet.
Matt Hughes has 45 MMA wins and 8 MMA losses.
The MMA Weekly is the biggest and largest independent Mix Martial Arts fighting tournament. Many fighters earn their living as MMA fighters. The MMA Weekly has been around for 10 years.
It's like Mr. and Mma is most closely "madame"
married woman
dimela mma - plants mam! ( ain't correct) dumela mma - hello mam.
It doesn't change depending on the country. MMA means Mixed Martial Arts.
it means hello/welcome feamale
say the letter m twice and the a Like a Corporation M.M.A.
"Dumela" is hello in Setswana, the national language of Botswana. "Dumelang" is used when saying hello to more than one person.
Its just the polite way to address a lady in Botwana. Like Mrs. or Ms.
Good moher
Adrenaline MMA was created in 2007.
You can say "A di mma nwaanyị" in Igbo language to mean "I am fine dear."
Destruction MMA