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Take medicine to lower your Uric Acid level.
You can't get rid of gout but you can control the flare-ups and change your lifestyle to prevent future episodes. Pain relievers, avoiding certain foods, and controlling stress all help in preventing you from getting it again.

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10y ago
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9y ago

Try these 2 natural treatments for Gout:

Drinking cherry juice or eating cherry fruit - cherry has magnesium and vitamin c that supports the digestion and circulation of your body. This helps people to lower the uric acid level.

Thyme - Use it as a tea and enjoy its anti-inflammatory components to facilitate lesser uric acid


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15y ago
  • I was taking water pills and also getting painful gout, but the doctor put me on Potassium tablets and I haven't had gout in six months.
  • Eat a low-cholesterol, low-fat diet. People with gout have a higher risk for Heart disease. This diet would not only lower your risk for gout but also your risk for heart disease. Eating too much of certain foods can be a cause for a flare up so minimize what you know brings yours out.

  • Slowly lose weight. This can lower your uric acid levels. Losing weight too rapidly can occasionally precipitate gout attacks.

  • Restrict your intake of alcohol, especially beer. Binging brings on a flare up.
  • Eat less high fatty foods, and try to keep stress levels down.
  • Gout is a form of Arthritis caused by too much uric acid in the body. Uric acid is a waste product that naturally occurs in the body and is normal flushed out of the body by the kidneys when one urinates. Too much uric acid or not enough uric acid is excreted can cause painful bouts of gout. It has nowhere to go, but to the joints and tissues in the human body and that area becomes inflamed. Gout generally starts in the big toe, but can also start in the foot, ankle, knee, hand, wrist or elbow. One in 30 men will get gout and men are four times more likely to develop gout than women. Signs of gout can appear very quickly between the ages of 30 to 50 in men and 60 years of age in women. Gout is more prominent in well developed countries. The warning signs of gout are hot, red swollen and a feeling of stretched skin and feeling pressure around the painful area (even a sheet on the bed cannot be tolerated on the inflamed area. Intense ongoing pain in a joint (usually the big toe.) Thin, medium to over-weight builds can get gout. Gout has nothing to do with whether an over-weight person has gout or not; it's the fact that an over-weight person should lose weight so as not to put more pressure on the inflamed area caused by gout. There is also no correlation between diet and even a diet conscious person can still get recurrences of gout. Still, a diet should be considered and losing weight is a good idea as well. Alcohol is a real taboo with a person with gout because it causes more of the uric acid as does tea and coffee. Many men enjoy their beers or wines or other forms of alcohol so this is a difficult enjoyment for many men to give up. Everything in moderation! Some foods or medications can cause gout and also there is genetic factor. Some surgeries such as heart attacks or strokes can cause gout. Blood pressure pills can case gout in some people. Seafood and organ meats, smoked meats MAY contribute to an attack of gout. Working closely with your specialist is very important and the more knowledge you learn about gout the more you will understand that losing weight, a good diet and being aware of some foods to stay away from can benefit you in positive ways.
A low Purine Diet Will help those suffering from gout avoid atacks.

Here is a list of some of the foods that are high in purines. These foods have the highest concentration of purines and should therefore be avoided by people that are prone to or are already suffering from gout.
Beef, Pork, Bacon, Lamb, Seafood, Foods that are made with yeast like beer or bread, Alcoholic Beverages
These foods, while high in purine levels that can aggravate the symptoms of gout can be had occasionally by those who usually follow a low purine diet.
Asparagus, Cauliflower, Mushrooms, Peas, Spinach, Whole grain breads and cereals, White poultry meats, like chicken, duck or turkey, Kidney and lima beans.
The following foods are safe to eat in a low purine diet; however these should not be the only food you eat.
Green vegetables and tomatoes, Fruits and fruit juices, Breads that do not use yeast (may be found in the kosher section or a health food store), Nuts, Milk and milk products such as butter and cheese, Chocolate, Coffee and tea.

do not confuse seafood with omega3 fish oil capsules as these can be helpful with gout and also in controling pain.

food to AVOID when you have gout :
all meat, esparragus, coliflower, spinach, fish especially oily fish like anchovies and shell fish, alcohol, oats, legumes, sugary food.
You CAN eat:
dairy products, eggs, potato, pasta, all vegatales but the above, rice, fruit (limit to 2 portions a day).

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9y ago

Gout is usually treated with pain killers (anti inflammatory) and a low purine diet. There is no cure for gout, under most circumstances. If the the problem is caused by the kidneys function breaking down gout may disappear with a kidney transplant.

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14y ago

Medication to lower uric acid and to help secrete it from your system is the most effective prevention.

It is also very important that those aflicte with this disorder do their best to modify their diet to reduce the amount of purunes they have in their food a purines are responsible for the Creation of uric acid which crystallizes and makes the material that causes the damage and the pain.

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13y ago

There is no cure for Gout as such, the only thing that can be done is to modify eating and drinking habits and find the best drugs to keep the disease under control.

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15y ago

By reducing the amount of uric acid in the system. this may be done with a change of diet or medication as sugested by a doctor.

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15y ago

hi, i have had good luck with ibuprofen (ask a doctor how much) and lots of liquids. real black cherry juice is supposed to be helpful, also. avoid beer and booze. good luck!

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11y ago
  1. Medication prescribed by a doctor that reduces the amount of uric acid in your system.
  2. Diet that is low in foods that promote the production of uric acid.
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What are presciption drug to prevent gout?

Currently, there is no cure for gout. If you have been prescribed medicines for gout, it is important that you take those medicines as instructed to prevent future attacks. And making changes in your diet is also an effective way to deal with gout.

How are recurrent gout attacks treated?

physicians may prescribe additional drugs that either help the body get rid of uric acid or reduce the amount of uric acid the body produces. These drugs will not relieve gout attacks that already have started, but will help prevent attacks

Why should the doses of long-term gout treatments be slowly increased?

lowering the concentration of uric acid can cause gout attacks. Thus, patients taking these medications should have the dose slowly increased (and uric acid levels slowly lowered) to prevent acute attacks of gout.

Which kind of meditation is needed for gout treatment?

For treatment of gout "attacks" your physician may recommend a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, Colchicine (for those not tolerant of a NSAID), or steroids. To prevent "attacks" you may be prescibed a xanthine oxidase inhibitor (this includes allopurinol and febuxostat.

Does cinnamon cause gout attacks?

No. Gout is caused by excessive uric acid.

Can eat chocolate for gout patience?

Hi Theobramin in Chocolate in very rich of purines so it can start gout attacks.

What is the treatment plan for gout?

Make sure you see your doctor in order to determine the right treatment plan for your gout. Medications may help control the pain and the swelling. Daily colchicine therapy can help prevent future attacks if you experience chronic gout. Prevention is most important - discover what triggers attacks for you and try to limit your intake, such as alcoholic drinks, coffee, tea, animal proteins and veggies such as peas, beans, spinach and lentils.

What is colchicines?

Colchicine is a medication that is used to treat gout and some other conditions like familial Mediterranean fever. It works by decreasing inflammation in the body. It can help to reduce pain, swelling, and joint tenderness caused by gout attacks.

What is the best type of Dr to treat gout?

Standard medical treatment of acute attacks of gout includes nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

What is the treatment of the gout?

alleviating pain, avoiding severe attacks in the future, and preventing long-term joint damage

Can you cure Gout?

You can not cure guot.

What is the prognosis of gout?

More than half of people that have had an attack of gouty arthritis will have another usually within six months to two years. in the case of severe gout, long-term medication is recommended to control uric acid production, which will prevent attacks and also cause tophi ( uric acid crystal deposits) to go away.