to make empire earth work under vista, click on the property function of the ee icon on your desk top, choose compatibility, click box, insert xp pack 2, choose administrator previledge and voila! it works :) good luck
There will be no empire earth 4 as of now. Maybe in the future, but Maddoc Software was bought by Rockstar games. Empire earth 3 ended the series because of it's low reviews and crappy gameplay. Buying Sierra could be the only hope for the franchise, but we don't think they will make another. But if they do, they better keep that EE2 formula with the voice acting and stories of EE1, because we all know its their only real chance.
The wall must be a certain length and if it is then select any part of the wall and there should be a little picture of a gatehouse.Click it.
depend on which version you are playing samurai is an additional army which added by one of the custom patch maker install omega patch 1.3 u will get samurai
in EE AOC map editor everything below 0 elevation is considered below sea level & therefore under water.
yes you can make friends on build a bear with 1 computer
You don't, to make friends you need to socialize, and not play a computer Game!
the empire would be stronger and larger.
Make troops! Mass recruit everthing :)! Or cheats
the empire would be stronger and larger.
You cannot make them real to be on earth, but they are as real as anything else.
Make sure you are inserting the correct disk, and have installed it properly. Also, for it to work, you would have had to installed Empire Earth 2 first.
Make sure you have all the requirements for the game before installing.
you cant unless you call tech support
Simple, u just have to make friends...... and when they produce recources, ull have to collect it before them
Ask your friends or go to a recording studio. They should happily do it for you.
If your wall is a certain length, you can make a wall by selecting the wall and clicking the build gate button.