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Take it in and get a garage with an impact gun to remove them before you strip them and possibly cost yourself a rim.

Try jacking up the car and putting it on a jackstand. Put the lug wrench on the lugnut, use the lugwrench to spin the wheel in the opposite direction of loosening then jerk the lugwrench the loosening direction using the momentum from the wheel to help you loosen it.

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Q: How do you loosen tire bolts that are two tight?
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How do I change loosen the fan belt on a 1988 Cherokee 4.0 liter I back off the adjuster bolt but the belt stays tight?

If your vehicle has an automatic belt tensioner with a serpentine belt, the belt is worn and needs to be replaced. On older models, the belt tension can be set by adjusting it at the alternator bracket. Loosen but do not remove the two bolts that hold the alternator in place (one at the bracket and one on the block) and pull the alternator to tighten the belt. Hold in position while re-tightening the bracket bolt then tighten the bolt on the block.

How do you tighten power steering belt?

I have a 1993 Nissan Altima, in which I had to loosen the Alternater Adjustment screws to get the old belt off. After replacing the belt, simply retighten the bolts until the belt is snug. Hope this helps.

Where are the bolts for the starter located on a 1987 Toyota Supra?

The starter is bolted onto the transmission on the driver side. There are two bolts that holds the starter in place. The first bolt is located under the starter which is easy to get. The second bolt is located on the top of the starter which has a tight sqeeze to get to. Most mechanic will drop the transmission or loosen the transmission to get to it. With due respect, if you have small hands, you may be able to reach it.

Where is the starter on a 67 toronado and how do you change it?

It is on the right side just in front of the bell housing. It is held on with two bolts. Remove the cables to it at the right front fender well, and take out the two bolts.

How to replace alternator on 1995 Nissan Sentra?

The alternator on a 2001 Nissan Sentra is replaced by loosening the serpentine belt tension, loosening the alternator bolts, and slipping the belt off the pulley. The alternator can then be unbolted, the wiring harness disconnected, and a new alternator put in place.

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You need to start by adjusting the middle chain . At the front of the center chain is an eccentric , loosen the two bolts and rotate it to tighten . should be as tight as you can get it . After you do the center then you do the front .There is an eccentric for the front chain also . It should be as tight as you can also .

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That should be in the manual, if you don't have that if I remember right you have to pop off the chain cover and loosen the bolts behind the sprocket then you loosen those two loops on the back of the axle and rotate them in opposite directions to tighten the chain. If that doesn't work you can use a chain, jack, and a truck bumper to apply tension to the axles with those bolts loose until the chain is tight , then retighten the bolts to hold it in that position.

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Ther are two bolts for the eccentric on the rear loosen the bolts and turn the eccentric to tighten . Chain should have a quarter inch slack in the middle ( with rider on machine ). When you sit on machine the pivot tightens the chain so dont get it too tight it will break .

How do you install an alternator belt on a landrover tdi200?

There are two bolts to loosen, one at the top of the alternator and a smaller one underneath on a bracket. Loosen these and push the whole unit down this will loosen the belt so it can be replaced then use a lever to pull up the unit while tightening the bolts

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The power steering pump is held by two bolts. Use a socket and remove the top bolt and loosen the bottom bolt. Be careful not to completely remove the bottom bolt. The PS pump will loosen up enough so that you can push it towards the firewall and you will JUST have enough room to remove the water pump bolts. Its tight but it will squeeze out.

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You remove the two bolts from the bottom.

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Loosen the top two bolts on the swing arm, after tighten the two bolts on the rear of the swing arm until you have 1.5"-2" of slack. Tighten the top bolts back up and good to go

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Just replaced it myself you gota take the alternator off loosen two bolts that hold the tensioner on and pull it out.Don't loosen any bolts on the powersteering under the tensioner.Remember to disconnect the battery first.

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Unloosing bolts on rim and remove tire on either side that you want to adjust. Once tire is removedyou will have access to camber. There are two bolts on the camber and you can adjust them both left or right.

How do you put on the alternator belt for a 1995 Toyota Tacoma?

Just loosen the two bolts holding the alternator in place, take out the old belt, put the new belt in and tight so that there is a half-inch or a little slack when you push on the belt with a screwdriver handle etc. You may need a crowbar for getting the right tension on the belt before you re- tighten the bolts.

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Front brakes are easy as pie. Jack up the van (I usually put the jack under the shock absorber). Before you get the tire completely off the ground,break the lug nuts free but don't completely remove them. Jack it all the way up and remove the tire. There's two 1/2" bolts on the caliper. Remove them, keeping track of how the clips go. Use a large flatbladed screwdriver against the hub to move the caliper away from the mount. Using the old brake pad and a C-clamp, push the piston back in (If it's too tight, loosen the brake reservoir under the hood) Edit: Wait, they changed the brakes in 1998. Instead of two 1/2" bolts on top, it's bolts on the side. Same rules apply, just remove the bolts. Edit: My 2001 Ram Cargo 3500 has Torx45 (T45) bolts on the side NOT 1/2" hex bolts.

How do you change a starter on a 1996 suburban?

Disconnect the battery. The starter should have two or three bolts holding it in. And there will be wires connected on it. Loosen the bolts and wiring connectors, then remove the starter from its mount.