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your password is messed up and the email is messsed up too

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Q: How do you know if your facebook is messed up?
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facebook is better then myspace because you know a lot more people and on myspace they always chnge it and it gets messed up and you cant find the person your looking for facebook stays the same and doesnt mess up..

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it does. your phone is messed up.

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Sometimes it has technical difficulties. If doesn't work the next day your facebook is messed up.

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Last time I checked mine doesn't do that... Maybe yourFacebook is messed up!

Why is it when you get on Facebook the homepage is all messed up?

there seems to be some hackers in facebook lately and everyone and everything is getting viruses on facebook. the best thing to do is to leave facebook as fast as you canand wait until further notice that it's safe to get back on

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your computer is messed up please fix it by the way :)i know who you are and i know what you did

Why has facebook messed up my photos?

When I finished adding a few photos to my album of my second year at high school, facebook randomly changed the order of the photos.. I tried to manually move the photos, but I can't get them over the 'Show more' sign. Anyone know how to do this? There is 398 photos in the album

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Yes, they can be. I know several people that put theirs in the dishwasher. They remain stationary, and have much less chance of getting messed up.

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tell him!

How do you know if your livers messed up?

ask ur doctor for an MRI ...... they ain't cheep

Acroynm for messed up?

An acronym for messed up is a fault, mistake or error.

Why is the world so messed up?

It is not the world that is messed up, but the people who live in it. If there were no 'messed up' people, than the world would be nearly perfect.