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This is for the v-8. The v-6 is simular, but w/o the mounting bracket. 1.disconnect the battery. 2.Take tension off the drive belt and take it off from the generator. 3.remove the upper bolts from the generator bracket and remove it. (when you replace tighten to 4.remove the positive cable nut and and cable. 5.remove the the lower generator bolts. (when you replace these bolts tighten to 18lb.ft) Reinstall the reverse way. I hope this helps you

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Yessenia Bashirian

Lvl 10
3y ago
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18y ago

everyone should have a manual for their vehicle, and the library should have a professional manual the reference section, you'll have to make copies of the important sections...good luck :)

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13y ago

loosen the bolt that holds the adjuster. the belt should be able to be removed now. remove belt, remove loosened bolt, remove pivot bolt (only other bolt holding alt. on), mark or remember wire location on back of alt. then remove wires. install in reverse.

Make sure your battery is disconnected then you can remove the wires on the old alternator and put them directly on the new alternator so you don't have to mark or remember the wiring.

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14y ago

There are a two ways to wire an alternator. It depends on what type of vehicle options you had on your 65. If you have gauges you DON'T use the Stator on the back of the alternator. If you have just lights you use the Stator on the back of the alternator. There are only four things on the back. One will say Battery, Field, GRD (ground) and Stator. If you have lights and not gauges (GT's) The stator will be the wire in the middle of the three wire feed to the Alternator. The ground will ground to the engine block and the black wire on the harness. The White wire on the harness is the Field wire and goes back to the voltage regulator. When you have lights (no amp gauge or oil pressure gauge) your main feed (Bat wire) will go up to the starter seloined, but if you have gauges it will just feed into the harness below the battery =) If you remember white if field, Batery is the big wire and the ground goes to the engine block and black ground wire you will be safe on most other years.

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13y ago

alternator locked up after installing it what did i do wrong?

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Around $400 for a new install.

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