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You must finish the Goddess of Fate cup in the undergrounds of the Olympic Coliseum.

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you must synthesise everything on the moogles list. than more items appear. continue synthesising every item and eventually you can make the ultima weapon.

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Q: How do you get the Fatal Crest keyblade in Kingdom Hearts 2?
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How do you get the Fatal Crest keyblade?

Keyblades are not something you "get." instead, they must be bestowed upon you by another Keyblade Weilder. Then, your Keyblade will come as summoned if it sensed strength in your heart, dark or light.... It if youre looking to buy one, check eBay.

What are all the key blades in kingdom hearts 2?

Kingdom Key, Star Seeker, Guardian Soul, Circle of Life, Sleeping Lion, Decisive Pumpkin, Rumbling Rose, Mysterious Abyss, Wishing Lamp, Fatal Crest, Fenrir, Oathkeeper, Oblivion, Follow the Wind, Hidden Dragon, Hero's Crest, Monochrome, Photon Debugger, Sweet Memories, Bond of Flame, Gullwing, and THE ULTIMA WEAPON!!!

When did Fatal Hearts happen?

Fatal Hearts happened in 2007.

When was Fatal Hearts created?

Fatal Hearts was created in 2007-10.

What is the name of every keyblade?

kingdom key, oath keeper, oblivion, star seeker, hidden dragon, ultima weapon, hero's crest, monochrome, follow the wind, photon debugger, circle of life, rambling rose, guardian soul, gullwing, holy pumpkin, wishes lamp, sweet memory, wonder of abyss, sleeping lion, bond of flame, fatal crest, and fenrir...those are all of the keyblades i can name if there's some i mist correct me! ;D

Where do a find the family crest in fatal frame 1?

yes you do!

What is the recommended level to beat sephiroth in kingdom hearts 2?

go to radiant garden (you must have beaten space paranoids mcp) and if you can from your gummi ship go to the crystal fissure, go past the place where you fought 1000 heartless and he will be in the dark depths :) he's kinda hard to beat goodluck!

What are the release dates for Hearts Afire - 1992 Fatal Traction 2-13?

Hearts Afire - 1992 Fatal Traction 2-13 was released on: USA: 9 February 1994

What happens at the end of Kingdom Hearts?

.well, here is what happens ansem: it is fatal, the keyblade alone cannot seal the door to darkness ansem: kingdom hearts fill me with the power of darkness ansem:supreme darkness sora: your wrong i know now without a doubt kingdom hearts is light (ansem start fading and then explodes) sora : c'mon Donald: stop starin and keep pushin Donald and goofy: the heartless Donald: hurry sora: i can't riku: c'mon sora together we can do it sora: ok (a bunch of darkside heartless rise up) Donald: it's hopeless (mickey shows up) goofy and Donald: your majesty mickey: now sora lets close this door for good Donald: close it quick sora: but mickey: don't worry there will always be a door to the light goofy: sora you can trust king mickey riku: hurry there coming mickey:Donald, goofy thank you riku: take care of her (mickey and sora seal kingdom hearts, then doesn't listen and sora and kairi talk for the last time) sora: kairi kairi: sora sora: kairi remember what you said before im always with you too ill come back to you i promise kairi : i know you will (simple and clean plays full song and end movie

What happened at the end of Kingdom?

.well, here is what happens ansem: it is fatal, the keyblade alone cannot seal the door to darkness ansem: kingdom hearts fill me with the power of darkness ansem:supreme darkness sora: your wrong i know now without a doubt kingdom hearts is light (ansem start fading and then explodes) sora : c'mon Donald: stop starin and keep pushin Donald and goofy: the heartless Donald: hurry sora: i can't riku: c'mon sora together we can do it sora: ok (a bunch of darkside heartless rise up) Donald: it's hopeless (mickey shows up) goofy and Donald: your majesty mickey: now sora lets close this door for good Donald: close it quick sora: but mickey: don't worry there will always be a door to the light goofy: sora you can trust king mickey riku: hurry there coming mickey:Donald, goofy thank you riku: take care of her (mickey and sora seal kingdom hearts, then doesn't listen and sora and kairi talk for the last time) sora: kairi kairi: sora sora: kairi remember what you said before im always with you too ill come back to you i promise kairi : i know you will (simple and clean plays full song and end movie

What are some good gamertags with the word fatal?

FataL Frostii Fatal Nova Fatal Pheoniix Fatal Shotzz Fatal Ecliipz Fatal Magiic Fatal Aquatic Fatal Staabz Fatal Assault

When was Fatal Needles vs. Fatal Fists created?

Fatal Needles vs. Fatal Fists was created in 1978.