To be more specific its day 194 mission 57 and the way i did it is don't fight anyone else but the commanders just go to the maze and fight them and it may be dropped by them usually for me the 2nd and 3rd commander always drop it. Pus you'll be lucky enough f you get a random bonus.
The World That Never Was
it is black with a dark crystal near the is NOT the heart opening keyblade from kingdom hearts 1
You cant get dark form, but the more you use other forms the more chance of you forming into it. Also specific boss battles have more chance of forming the dark form.
Riku is seen with the Dark Keyblade when Sora talks to him in Hollow Bastion in the original Kingdom Hearts game. However, Riku changes it when Sora fights him.
It isn't something you get, Riku has it as a sleight already, but only when you enter Darkness Mode. Along with that he has Dark Break and the rare Dark Aura, see what works best for you!
Kingdom Hearts is an entity formed from the gathering of hearts. Hearts gather into Kingdom Hearts when Heartles and Nobodies are vanquished with the power of the keyblade (otherwise the hearts would just reform into Heartless again). Kingdom Hearts was originally thought to be a dark or evil entity, but as Sora learned from his adventures in the first game; "Kingdom Hearts is light".
Your Kingdom Hearts might be different to mine, but I think the one you're talking about is Oblivion.
The World That Never Was
I had a dream where I went to the kingdom hearts worlds and had my own adventure it was pretty interesting.......and a little dark at times X3
There is no such thing as a dark crystal, although you might be talking about lucid.
By beat the life out of him
No, the darkness is just that; Darkness
Once you defeat sephiroth at the dark depths
well, for sure, shadows have dark shards
the beast castle the fat guys or the lance
Yeah, it looks like it.
you have to kill types of nobodies that give you that type of gem.