William Plante or William D. Plante is from the Detroit area. Back in the late 1980's, William D. Plante was hired to take photographs from around the United States and beyond. The Limited Editions were then marketed to corporations for wall decor in offices and homes. The collection was extensive. There were nature scenes, classic automobiles, and famous sites done all with a camera and different lenses. William Plante also was a painter and this influence has carried over to his photographic style.
I have it, will sell on eBay when I find the value of you can contact me if you have a price guide
Keegan Gibbs is a 26-year-old photographer in Malibu, California. He was probably born in 1984, but it's difficult to find personal information about him on the internet because he hasn't quite reached the ranks of "famous" photographers yet.
Many publications and companies purchase photos. A great resource to find out information about buyers of photography is the book Photographer's Market - published yearly.
Photographer's assistants do a variety of tasks, depending on the need and job. They can do anything from grip work, such as adjusting lights and props to getting the photographer coffee. To find a detailed description and personal account of the work of a fashion photographer's assistant visit www.elainemariablog.blogspot.com
To find the qualified portrait photographer one must consider the following points; The photographer must have qualified for photographer certificate, he must have passed certain training. He must also have good eye sight, artistic ability and good hand coordination.
I have it, will sell on eBay when I find the value of you can contact me if you have a price guide
You can find information about professional wedding photographers in Canada by searching on this directory: www.weddingphotographers-ca.com/ They have lots of info.
If someone wishes to find a photographer in Houston to do dog potraits they could find this information by visiting such websites like Kim Hartz, Dogster, Copimages, Yelp, Evinhayer and houston pettalk.
One can find a good event photographer by looking in the yellow pages or on the internet. One does not have to do that much to find a good event photographer.
Start by trying to determine the date, who was the photographer (or photographer's employer), and whether the photograph was ever published. Then see the related question, "How long does a copyright last?"
WikiAnswers is a good choice.
http://www.quaker.org/wmpenn.htmlIt is a boring site
google it
he is dead now but his wife lives
Local merchant services should have listings for wedding photographers. Going to local bridal shops is another way to get information on local photographers. Repeat business is important and recommended an incompetent photographer is not good for business.
Go to Kinkos.
Keegan Gibbs is a 26-year-old photographer in Malibu, California. He was probably born in 1984, but it's difficult to find personal information about him on the internet because he hasn't quite reached the ranks of "famous" photographers yet.