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I found an 1858 patented Mason's jar and would like to know the value if any?

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Q: How do you determine the value for mason jars?
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Related questions

What is the value of a complete set of Blue Mason Jars?

120 dollars

Is the microwave safe symbol present on mason jars?

Yes, the microwave safe symbol is typically present on mason jars.

What year was Moms Mason Jars canning jars made in?

The Mom's Mason jars were made in 1975. They were manufactured in Columbus, Ohio and are worth between $1.00 and $2.00.

Where can you buy mason jars?


What is the value of a Lamb mason jar?


Blue mason jar made 1849 price?

Please give me the value of 4 blue ball mason jars that I have. The numbers on the bottom are: 0, 4, 6, 7

What is the value of a blue mason jar with a 2 on it?

Blue mason jars with iron crosses are worth more than regular mason jars. Online venders sell them for between 8 and 25 dollars, depending upon the condition of the jar.

What do the numbers on pink Lamb Mason Jars mean I have four jars and their numbers are 3 9 13 and 18?

The numbers found on Lamb Mason jars, and all Mason jars, are mold numbers. The numbers 3,9,13, and 18 would be the number of the mold the jars were made from. The jar originally started out as clear but as it aged it would turn pink.

Who created mason jars?

khalil mccall created the original mason bar

Can mason jars be used in a pressure canner after being in the microwave oven?

Since Mason jars (also called canning jars or fruit jars) are intended to withstand prolonged boiling during the canning process, there should be no problem with them in the oven at normal cooking temperatures, below 400 degrees (F.)

What is the value of an aqua ball perfect mason jar lot 3?

The Ball Jars were first produced in 1888 in New York and Indiana. The value of an aqua Ball Mason Jar lot 3 in perfect condition is approximately $30.

What is value of blue mason jar number 3?

The understanding is each worker was asigned a number and that's that worker number