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This depends on the brand your satellite tv receiver is. If your receiver is for example, Dreambox,  than you could connect it to a computer via the RS232 port or via the ethernet port located on the Dreambox receievr. On other brands, this may be different. On some brands you can not connect a tv receiver to a computer. So this is different for all receivers. Also, some special softwares would be needed to establish the conenction between computer a receiver.

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Q: How do you connect a satellite receiver with a computer?
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How satellites use signals to get to your tv?

1 - programming source transmits signal to a DBS provider broadcast center (Satellite TV Providers) 2 - these satellite tv providers automatically assigns received signal from the programming source to their respective bands and transmits to the satellite dish. 3 - when a user requests for a band/channel, by using a receiver it will then requests the band from the satellite to a satellite dish connected to the receiver.

How do satellites transmit data to earth?

If you're looking for a general overview of satellite communications and how it works, visit

How are satellite maps created?

Satellite maps are created using photographs taken from the satellite in space. J&RJ&RDetailed photographs of land are taken from a satellite in space then fed back to a computer on earth which are then edited with location text and then put online.

Why geostationary satellites require to transmit the TV signals?

If a satellite appears to move in the sky, then the ground station antenna has to keep moving in order to follow it, and the satellite will be below the horizon, invisible, and unusable for half the time over the long run. That would really put a crimp in the operation of all the little 2-ft satellite TV dishes on top of garages.

What does one use a satellite finder for?

A satellite is used for establishing a connection with a third party, using a means of submitting binary code over a wavelength that can be sent through space, using an orbiting satellite dish to relay the information, and then have the information beamed back down to the receiver. This can be used for various purposes ranging from internet, radio, and television use.

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Can you connect hbs satellite receiver and computer with LAN cable for software updates?

no yes

How do connect a home theater system-the satellite receiver occupys the connections?

Connect the satellite receiver to the surround receiver. You can then use the receiver to switch between this source and the the DVD or Blu-Ray player.

How does a satellite dish connect to a computer?

A satellite dish is designed to connect to a satellite receiver unit. Generally they are dedicated devices. There are a few satellite receiver cards or devices that can be installed into a computer and will operate as a video input card for the computer. These are specialist devices and will not be found as a standard feature on any computer. Normally, to capture a video feed, the output form a dedicated satellite receiver would be connected to a video input port on the computer. Again, the video input is a specialist device typically used in video editing and not usually found as part of a standard computer set up.

How do you connect satellite to TV Tuner which has AV and HD jacks?

check first your satellite receiver if there is an HDMI jack. connect your HDMI cables from your satellite receiver to your tv tuner. if you don't have the HDMI jack, check the AV output jack. connect the AV cables from your satellite receiver to your tv tuner. you can use either AV or HDMI.

Is there a way to connect speakers to a tv that has no audio outputs?

You could use an external cable or satellite receiver and connect speakers to that.

How does dreambox work?

Dreambox works like all satellite tv receivers work. It decodes the signal coming from the satellite and allows you to watch satellite tv channels on your tv. You connect the dreambox to your satellite antenna, than connect it to your tv, and do an auto scan, and you can watch satellite tv channels on your tv. Almost all Dreambox are HD, so you can watch HD channels using dreambox receiver. Dreambox is a more advanced satellite receiver, allowing users to gain more control over the receiver and uses advanced softwares and ecryptions. This is why it is considered to be among the best satellite tv receivers.

How does one fit a cable to an external Ariel Dish?

The fit a cable to an external aerial dish, one must check the satellite receiver to find the coaxial socket. Connect the cable from your satellite receiver to the external antennae socket.

Where you can find a satellite receiver computer software?

Go to and see satellite tv for PC page and follow the links.

How do you connect stereo speakers to pc?

Regular passive (non-amplified) speakers will need to be connected to a power amp (an old stereo receiver can do this). Connect the line out of the computer to the aux or tape in of the receiver, and then connect speaker cables from the receiver to each of the speakers.

How can you update your satellite receiver hi ican updeat all satellit receiver metabox?

If you are meaning an "fta" receiver it has to be "flashed" through your serial com port from your computer. R232

How do you connect a standard definition TV to a high definition satellite receiver?

You can connect your standard definition TV to your satellite receiver in a couple of ways. First, if your TV has composite video/audio inputs (yellow, red, and white RCA jacks), you can connect to these inputs using the composite video outputs of the satellite receiver. Another alternative is to use the standard coaxial cable output from your satellite receiver to connect to the 75ohm antenna input on your TV. *Note: Neither of these connections will display high definition programming on your standard definition TV. The TV is only capable of standard definition, so you will see a clear picture, but it won't be true high definition, regardless of the input signal's definition.

How can you transfer software from a computer to an Opentel satellite receiver and Zeta cam?

you have to zip the Opentel file backup drive to the computer using a ZRS 5 switch cable running 54mb then connect the zeta cam to both configuring your TQ panel switch.